Chapter I

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A few hours later the sound of tiny and rapid feet on the golden hall broke the unholy ecstaty of political and financial study. Dark clouds were on his mind, busying him to point of exesperation

He was rubbing his temples to get rid of the headache that had formed long ago when Sigyn's orange-brown mop of hair popped from the creaked open door with a big and merry smile on her face.

She hurriedly raced towards him after giving an improper greeting. She was literally beaming with happiness. "Loki!!Guess what!" She was jumping around him like a Midgardian bunny.Loki kept the oncoming groan. "What Sigyn?Can't you see I'm busy?" He sounded exasparated, just like how he felt.

"But Loki! I just learned that -!"She was nearly screeching with her already high pitched voice, it wasn't helping Loki's migraine.

"What? Did Sif taught you another move?"He muttered in a huffing manner as he glanced at the paper in the hand.

"No" She sounded pouty "I stopped taking them for the greater good."

"Well , thats something now" He mused. Sif was a very bad influence on her. Even worse than him. Well ,maybe not that much but, Loki and Sif had never been on good terms. Which disturbed him to no end. When he had voiced his thoughts to Sigyn , she had laughed it off and said "Don't be childish, Sif is my friend". The more he had pressed the topic, the more Sigyn get attached to them.

"Did you finally decide to listen to me?" he lifted an amused eyebrow , which didn't last long due to the next letter. Hel wished to marry. Unacceptable.

Sigyn huffed and in the corner of his eyes, he saw her cross her arms on her chest. And pink wasn't her colour at all, cold colours looked better on her.

"As if. Sorry ,love, but not in that topic. And I said for the greater good! Think!"

She, who was endoved with great patience, was getting frustrated upon his lack of attention.

"Look, Sigyn.I am busy. Did your favourite colour change? A new kind of flower grew in your garden? What? I have to work, Sigyn.I may be your husband but i also am the King of Asgard and Nine realms. Which contains you too. Now, go. I will deal with it later tonight."

Loki had done his best to not sound too harsh but didn't hold back the authoriter tone. Which, in the end, was harsh .

Her face fell immediately but she had Vanyr in her. Just like Frigga. And just like her, she hid her hurt behind a fake smile.

"Yeah, i am sorry, My Lord."She exitted even before giving an greeting.

He heavied a sigh. He knew he was going to regret his words later on but now he had to deal with other things.

And he dismissed the terrible feeling in his gut as he dived back into papers.


Hey again guys. This story is not attracting the attention i hoped to receive. Seriously am i the only one who has been having Loki feels lately?

Welp,  of course , my writing skills are real good right (note the sarcasm please)

I know the chapters are short , but i promise, they will get longer.

Thats all for now,  See you~

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