Sanji breaks

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First, this is a very short chapter. Second I know Zoro and Sanji aren't quite like this but it's like a continue from the first chapter but instead of Zeff it's Zoro comforting him. Anyway hope you enjoy. Also Sanji is having flashbacks about Germa 66 about how is farther and brother abused him, if you haven't got that far in the anime yet then you might be a bit confused.

The sound of waves echo in the distance, as the Sunny ventured deeper into the new world. Footsteps from a familiar cook draw closer to the sunnys deck. Shaking hands clutch to the wooden railing.

Sanji POV:
Letting out a shaky breath I look out to the wide blue sea attempting to calm my nerves. Images of my childhood once again flash through my head...But this time even worse... The pain from being kicked and punched repeatedly in my side the sickening grins from my brothers and father while I scream out in pain. My knees begin to feel weak as I slowly slide down the railing on the sunny brining my legs to my chest attempting to find a source of comfort. My 'farthers' sinful laugh replaying over and over in my head causing me to grab my head wishing for it to stop. Sobbing quietly I place a hand over my mouth in attempt to muffle my gasps and sobbing.
I dont know how long I was crying  on the sunny deck, minutes, hours, it felt like an eternity I was so absorbed in my own taunting mind that I failed to hear the footsteps of a certain swordsman slowly approaching me. There was a sudden thud beside me as Zoro sat down looking at me with concern. Slowly I lift my head just enough to see Zoro's face, he gives me a sad smile and slings his arm around my shoulder. I subconsciously lean into his arm and look back down. "You don't have to tell me what's wrong... Just don't hold in your tears it will only make it worse." Zoro said in a soothing voice, I suddenly felt safe and relaxed I nodded  and grabbed onto him as tight as I could, all he did was wrap both arms around me and stroked my hair. That was it, I couldn't hold it in anymore I began to cry...A lot..I gave up on trying to muffle my cries and all through it Zoro just whispered sweet words in my ears and stroked my hair. The one thing I didn't realise was the whole crew apparently they heard my cries and gathered around me with sorrowful and guilty looks. Luffy and Chopper were about to lunge at me with hugs but Zoro stopped them with a glare and whispered that he would take care of it.
The crew looked at me then at Zoro and nodded and slowly and walked off doing there own thing, Robin stayed for awhile though. She gave Zoro a knowing glance and smirked, Zoro blushed a bit and held me tighter.
An hour passed and I was finally able to stop crying, looking up I locked eyes with Zoro. "You alright now?" He asked his voice soothing, sighing I let go of his top "yeah, sorry about getting your top wet..." Zoro looked down at me and laughed "don't worry about my top it's fine." I smile at Zoro and he stops laughing, are eyes locked and we both began to slowly move forward. Closer,closer until I could feel his breath on my lips I give a small smile and wrapped my arms around his neck while he puts his hand on my cheek. We look eachother in the eyes and closed the distance... Soft and beautiful is how I could describe his lips interlinked with mine, we moved in sync as if we had done this hundreds of times before. The kiss felt like an eternity before we finnaly pulled away for breath. I rest my head on his forehead and chuckle. "That was... Amazing" I say breathless Zoro brings his hand to my hair and begins to stroke it "Yeah... Sanji I think... I think I love you." Zoro says his voice dropping to a whisper. My eyes widen in shock as I move my head away from Zoro. "I-im sorry Sanji I shouldn't of said tha-" I cut of his stuttering with another kiss. I pull away and look in his eyes "I love you too." I say while laughing Zoro just blushed and looked away.

Yeah, I feel much better now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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