Happy Birthday

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    I opened my eyes, realizing that today was the day. Today, I turn sixteen. There's so many things I can do as a sixteen year old. I spring out of bed and walk downstairs. I see my dad, and he looks at me.
   "Good morning my beautiful Makcenszeighy," I noticed a sparkle in his eyes. "Today you're sixteen, you've grown up so fast!" He was right, I've been with my dad since I was eleven. Ever since my mother died in a tragic food fight accident it's been hard. Since then, I haven't eaten yams.
     I look to my left, the counter, I see my favorite breakfast; Onion and Benadryl pancakes. Next to it, fish eye smoothie with a touch of semen. I noticed my dad looking at me, and then he starting speaking.
    "You know what baby girl, I'll let you stay home today. You deserve it, do whatever you want. I'll be out all day, I'll be back with a surprise."
    "Okay, daddy! I love you!"
    I wonder what that surprise will be, maybe I'll get a Wakandan flag.
    As I'm finishing my scrumptious breakfast, I realized what opportunities I have today. My true love, Bryan Spears, was also staying home today. I quickly grab my phone, and tell him to come over. I throw away my breakfast and run to throw on my lacy, translucent, red bra. I quickly grab my G-string, the one that I had been using as a tampon, and put it on. Bryan has a blood fetish, so hopefully he'll be satisfied. I had been waiting for the day we would fuck for so long... Please Bryan, let it be today.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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