H0T Phish Tank with H0T Pphishh

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Once upon a time there was a human named  at a fish restaurant, Leo likes puffy fish so he got a pufferfish, but he said to the waiter to give it to him alive, when the waiter gave it to him he left the restaurant and brought it to his dorm and said I wanna fuck you nigga and the pufferfish said hell yea, this shit is going to get wild so gg.

The pufferfish got his 90 inch dick out his shorts and started fucking him Decaprio started moaning and he started sucking his ass like it was cheese sticks he loved it so he put all his fingers in the puffer fish's dick he was scared he was going to get STD's but it felt so good then Decaprio sucked the fish's dick so hard the cock started to swell up and get more and more bacteria on its rooster you know kikitikiii and shit the pufferfish kept singing County roads , take me home, were I belong, West Virginia, Mountain Mama, and Decaprio kept singing Gangnam style cause Gangam is funny, then the pufferfish said the n word while Decaprio was still sucking on the watery, greasy, and full of spit dick of the fish, he loved it, and they both got aids AMEN.

Pufferfish x Leo/reader  lemonWhere stories live. Discover now