Chapter Sixty-Two: Clarity

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"What the hell do you plan on doing with all of that?" Bobby could feel his face turning bright red with anger. Every muscle and fiber in his body was clenched and ready to hit the idiot who stood in front of him.

"I am going to tear this cursed place down." John was tired of this house and all the trouble it caused him. His whole life was spent chained to making sure that no one got in, but at the end of the day, no one can fend of the supernatural forever. He was done being party to evil and he was done with this house.

"Are you insane? There are kids trapped in there!"

"Who are you kidding? Those kids are probably dead by now, just like Joe!" At the mention of his friend's name, Bobby didn't bother to hold back his anger any longer. With one quick signal, his fist sliced through the air and slammed into John's nose. The impact sent blood exploding from John's face and his body collapsing to the ground.

"Don't you ever say his name ever again!" The words ripped through Bobby like a tornado. He would be damned if the man responsible for his friend's death used his name as an excuse for killing children.

Jason stood outside the dining room listening to the sounds of battle as it raged on the other side. Temptation pulsed through his veins as he thought of all the carnage, he could create with only a few steps. It would be so easy to step through the door and start killing off the remaining guests. Jason's mouth began to water at the thought of death, yet something held him at bay.

While it was true that he enjoyed killing, he preferred to stay away from it if he knew things could result in his own demise. Jason's self-preservation instincts were off the charts when it came to situations like these. From what he'd seen of the shadow army, as they lined up where he now stood, was that they were vicious creatures who shouldn't be trifled with. His power of mind control only worked on those with minds to control.

Doubt washed over Jason as he peered through a crack in the door. From what he could tell, the shadows were losing, but there was one who appeared more dangerous than all the others. He stood facing off with a girl. He towered over her, his dark blonde hair buried in smoke and shadows. Anger seeped from him like steam on a hot day. No, he was better off staying right where he was. At least for the time being.

"Wyatt, we have to help Karen." The words were barely coherent, but Sophie meant every last one. Yes, she was exhausted and running on empty, but their friend was in need of assistance.

Wyatt glanced down at the small girl in his arms. Dark circles framed her eyes as she blinked up at him. He knew that she was right, but at the same time he also knew that she didn't have the strength to keep going on the way she had. This fight was taking a lot out of them. Wyatt chewed on his bottom lip as he glanced between to the two girls. He wanted to help them both but, how could he?

The sound of Charlie's laughter in the distance caused Wyatt's stomach to churn. It had been a while since he'd eaten, but the nausea latched on to his unease. Closing his eyes, Wyatt took a deep breath before lowering Sophie back onto her feet.

Noting Wyatt's anxiety, Sophie wrapped her fingers around his and gave them a gentle squeeze. No matter what happened, she would always stay by his side. They were like family now and no one, not even a demented house could take that away from them.

Delphine slid around the corner as the house threw loose objects at her. It was angry, but that was the least of her concerns. She was on a rescue mission, one that would save more than those with a heart-beat resounding in their chests.

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