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COLD SAND UPON HER CHEEK WAS THE FIRST THING RANI NOTICED AS SHE WAS JOLTED AWAKE FROM HER SLUMBER. It was Gael's small hands that shook her too with excited vigour and Rani couldn't muster a grumble at the pure joy pictured on her face.

"What is it Gael?" She murmured as she sat upwards.

Gael, seemingly at loss for words, only pointed excitedly up at the sky. Rani looked towards Lucy, surprised to she see she too was awake and beaming.

"Everybody, wake up!" Lucy called out, rousing the others as Rani looked upwards. "It's the Blue Star!"

And shining brightly before them in the clear sky, was the bluest star Rani had ever seen in her life. A hopeful smile crawled onto her face and her heart felt that bit lighter. Gael, hardly containing her happiness, squealed and hugged Rani tightly, burying her face into her side. She held the girl tightly against her, hardly believing their luck.

For a moment, everybody held their breath, simply staring at the star in the sky. As though they were one, Rani felt the renewed determination coursing through each and every one of them. She squeezed Gael a little tighter, her smile sparkling.


As they boarded the ship, the atmosphere was energetic, hopeful. It was beautiful. Jacob could hardly contain himself, in fact it was Rhian who had to clamp a firm hand on the other mans shoulder to stop him bouncing on the spot.

"Jacob," Rani couldn't help but laugh at his authentically joyous energy. "I don't think I've seen you this happy in days."

"There's not been much to be happy about, Rani." He turned to her, eyes sparkling. "We're so close, I can feel it."

Lucy and Gael giggled beside her and even Rhian cracked a smile. And like that, a warm tingly feeling spread throughout Rani's body and she took a deep breath of the salty air.

"I think you might be right, Jacob." She gave her friend's arm a squeeze and looked about the deck.

"Where is everyone?" Rhian voiced all their thoughts aloud.

There was only a few crew members about the deck, the rest were no where to be seen. Rani looked upwards, squinting. The soft breeze brushed past her face, and she couldn't even spot a single person up high. Then it hit her; there was no wind.

"Down below," She turned to Jacob and Rhian. "There's now ind to push us forwards."

The two men nodded and together, the three of them made their way below deck. The stench of sweat hit Rani instantly, stopping her in her tracks. Heat, sweat and grains emanated from below deck and Rani could make out the that most of the crew were sitting two-by-two either side of the ship, mighty oars gripped in their hands.

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