Chapter 34~!

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We went sledding, ice skating, and built snowmen over the next couple days, among other things. I wasn't as good at ice skating as Mattie (predictably) but I was still pretty good. He tried to teach how to figure skate as in kind-of-dancing, but I biffed it almost every time. Despite that I could still skate prettyokay for my first time.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you've iceskated before, eh?" Mattie commented when we came to a smooth stop by the wall.

"Thanks," I said. "I'm pretty sure this is my firsttime, though," I added, nearly slipping as if in coincidental emphasis. "There, see? Epic fail."

Mattie laughed. "No, you're doing well. Really."


"I think I've seen this before," America commented as we got out of the car and walked up the path to the front door. Tiny snowmen were lined up all along the path's length, saluting in military fashion. "It was a comic."

"Dennis The Menace," I supplied surely, kicking at a pile of gray snow and pulling my jacket close around my shoulders. "I had a big book of that comic when I was younger."


"Heya, Tony!" America hollered up at the sky. I patted the round ball that would be a new snowman's head firmly before looking up in confusion.

"Who's Tony?"

That's when I saw it: a spaceship. Heading right for us. And it was a saucer like the stereotypical sort of alien spaceship.

"What the hell?" I shrieked, clinging to Matthew in shocked surprise. "That's a flying saucer!"

America laughed. "Chill, dudette! That's just Tony, he's my best friend!"

"You're best friends with an alien?" I asked almost skeptically. "Why am I not surprised?"

"You look pretty surprised to me, HAHAHA!"

"Th-That's because I wasn't expecting a flying saucer to land in your backyard!" I yelled back, flustered.

"U-Um, Melina? Can I have circulation in my arm back now, please?" Canada asked me as he wiggled the arm I was crushing.

"Oh, sorry 'bout that," I said as I released him and went back to packing snow into a ball.

A little gray alien came out of the house (we were in the front yard and he landed in the back), and he was dressed in a little scarf and hat in Christmas colors. He had huge, red, oval eyes and two little slits for  a nose, and he was only a few feet tall. Lanky arms, and his head was very round and lacking in hair.

"Fucking~ Fucking~" he toned in a squeaky voice. I wasn't sure how to react to that, but somewhere in the back of my mind I could understand what he was saying. "Hi, America!"

"Heya, dude! Glad you got your spaceship fixed! Was the trip good?"

"Fucking bitch!" "Yeah, I went through a wifi spot and found some hilarious pictures!"

"You've gotta show me, bud!"

"Bitch fuck?" "Who is that girl with you? And hi Mattie!"

I jumped. "I-I'm Melina. Hi?"

America gaped at me. "You can understand him, too?"

"I think so?" I replied. "Tony just said hi to Mattie, am I right?"

"Bitching!" "Yeah, I did!"

"Weird... Why do you speak in cuss words?"

"Bitch fuck." "Because I don't do dubs."

'Okay, I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.'


"We gotta set up a couple things for the party!" America declared as we came back inside from a scary-awesome snowball fight.

"Oh yeah, I remember France mentioning a party before. What did he mean? What party?"

"America tends to host a New Year's Eve party most years," Canada explained. "And it usually involves a lot of drinking and hangovers the next morning."

"Hey, remember that time like two years before? You were sooo drunk you were gonna strip if I hadn't stopped you!" America shot back with a sly smirk.

I covered my mouth, which was formed in a tall "O". "Oooh, comeuppance!"

Tony went into the living room to play a horror video game while America dragged us to the storage shed connected to his garage. I was distracted by the old cars and very stylish ones but Canada pulled me along. In the shed America loaded our arms with boxes of decorations and party favors.

"Wow, this is gonna be fun," I commented, spinning a noise-maker around so it made a loud whirring sound.

"I know, right?" America cheered as he went back inside with both of us right on his tail.


I know I'm a lame-o but you all love me anyway so it's all good, right? No? Okay then. *cries in emo corner*

And sorry but I lied. this isn't the alcohol chapter, the next one is. And you can believe me, I swear!! TT~TT

E-Everyone gets here in the next chapter, o-okay? D-Don't hate me! TT~TT

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