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Rachel stabbed at her salad angrily. She was seated next to Keenan and across from Kam, Grayson diagonally from her. "She just completely shut me down!" she exclaimed, whipping her fork around and accidently getting some dressing on Keenan's hand. "Didn't even hear me out, or anything!"

Rachel had been detailing the events of her falling out with Aurelia with everyone else, conveniently before Aurelia came for lunch. It had put the others in a precarious situation.

Unsure of what to do, Kam said "I'm sure she didn't mean it like that." She didn't want to get in between whatever Rachel and Aurelia had going on. It clearly upset Rachel, but Aurelia wasn't even there to give her side. Not that Kam wanted to play judge Judy for them.

During second period, the class Rachel and Aurelia shared together, Rachel took a seat on the opposite side of the room. Aurelia, surprised at her friend's pettiness sat in her regular seat and paid Rachel no attention. There had been no trace of emotion on Aurelia's face, meanwhile Rachel fumed.

By now lunch was nearly over, and it was clear Aurelia wasn't coming.


In the library, Aurelia spent her free period and lunch researching quantum entanglement as to get a better grasp on the concept Soren had explained to her that morning.

Each online article made her head swim more. She needed to try it out for herself, but had no idea where to start. She hated to admit it, but she needed Soren's help. Her mind wandered to him. Perhaps what Falcon had said last night was forcing her to turn over a new leaf. Prove she was human and still capable of feelings.

Capable of love.

She loved her uncle, didn't she? Her friends...sure.

Frustrated with herself, she slammed the physics textbook shut. The sound echoed off the metal shelves of the library's walls, which earned her a stern warning look from the librarian.

She buried her face in her hands, sighing melodramatically. Her shoulders slumped with the easing of her tension.

Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Believing it to be Soren she whipped around, only to see the boy from her apartment building. Holden.

"Oh hey, Holden" she said, slightly disappointed it wasn't Soren.

He gave her an easy grin, "Hey, Aurelia."

"When did you start here?" she asked him, genuinely curious.

"Today actually," he replied.

"How are you liking it so far?"

"It's good. Classes are pretty standard, I haven't seen you around though." he said, a playful look briefly crossed his face.

Aurelia blushed at that. "Oh, yeah. I usually keep to myself." He nodded, and stood there for a moment. God this is so awkward, say something else! He made a move to leave, when she shot out of her seat. "Uh, wait...I can show you around. If you want, I mean."

His smile grew, "I'd love that."

She gathered her things, and they made their way out of the library. "So, which class do you have next?" she asked.

Holden pulled out a folded paper from his jacket. He scanned it, "uh, I've got macroeconomics with someone called Graves."

Aurelia's pulse quickened, "I have that next too." she struggled to maintain her composure. "Contrary to his name, Graves is actually a great teacher. Really personable."

They made their way down the corridor, past the cafe where her friends were eating lunch. But they were the last thing on her mind. The thought of Holden rushed through her blood. Turned the tips of her ears red. This boy would be her unraveling.

She continued showing him the rest of the school; the commons where upperclassmen hung out, the good places to ditch class where one didn't have to fear getting caught, and her personal safe spot. A small bench on the third floor crammed between a bathroom and vending machine. A window smack in the middle of the two where you could faintly see the Brooklyn Bridge in the distance, and the courtyard that when the weather was nice, tulips bloomed.

They took a seat on the bench. Holden looked out the window. "Wow," he breathed, barely audible " this is a hidden gem."

Aurelia turned to look out the window, breaking away from her view of Holden. "Yeah, that's what I like to think at least."

Just then, the bell rang signaling the end of the lunch period. They stood up and began the trek to macroeconomics. Aurelia took her usual seat in the back. Surprisingly, Holden joined her in the empty seat next to her.

The class began, and they covered the lesson subject. Graves made a few jokes that were well received by the class, earning a few chuckles. But the lesson was lost on Aurelia. All she could focus on was Holden.The curl of his hair at his temples. The incessant flipping of his pencil between each knuckle and back again.He didn't show any hesitation when answering questions. At the end of class they exchanged phone numbers and made plans to get lunch together later in the week.

Needless to say, by the end of the day Aurelia was in a daze. When physics rolled around, she was walking on air. She smiled, actually truly smiled, at Soren when she saw him.

Brow furrowed in confusion, Soren asked "what's got you so happy?". Aurelia just gave him a small smile. "Ah, so not a what, but a who."

"Yeah," she said, pulling out her materials.

"Then, who is it?"

"No one." she replied.

"Come on, Aurelia. We were making some progress this morning and you know it."

It was true. Soren had helped her when she desperately needed it. Even if she would never admit anything. She could feel the small sprout of a friendship beginning to bud. And evidently, didn't want to jeopardize it. But Soren was making it damn near difficult with his pestering questions.

"Friends tell each other things. And friends ask questions in return." he chided her.

"A kid from my apartment building." she said vaguely.

"Hm," he pondered for a moment. Aurelia hoped it would keep him at bay for a while. "In our year?" he asked.

"Ugh! Yes, Soren. A boy in our year, from my apartment building, who I have a class with!" she exclaimed, exasperated.

"What's his name." Soren asked bluntly.

"I'll leave that up to you to discover with your superior sleuthing skills," she said, ready for the conversation to be over.

She felt like she was being interrogated by her uncle, but this would be far worse with her uncle. She couldn't help but smile, just a bit, because as annoying as Soren was, he never once was as mean to her as she was to him. Yet, through all the twisted words over the years, and heavy sarcasm, she had developed a camaraderie with him. Two kids pushed together by circumstance. Friends, apparently.  

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