Just Getting Started

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February 18, 2020

Hi, this is my first time doing something like this. I am not sure how to start off so I am just going to type and see what happens.

My name is Hannah Troutman and I was born in Concord North Carolina on a cold December night in 1987. I can not really remember a lot of my childhood and I apologize for that. I think the first moment I lost myself was when I had a seizure that lasted about 15 seconds give or take. The thing is I never had another one but ever since that day I have not felt alone. You, dear readers, have no idea how hard this is. I do a lot better at just rambling but I guess in a way I am doing that now. My dad got sick when I was in the 7th grade. It seems like that was another turning point for me. Then in 2005 my grandpaw the only one I truly knew pasted away. Then, believe it or not, I found the love of my life in late 2006 than in then he tragically passed away in 2008. I haven't had a worse life but I haven't had the best either. It is just recently late 2018 when I sat back and actually been attempting to discover my real self. I am not just the fat girl in the back of the classroom or the anti-social girl at work. I am Hannah!

Yes, I am a 32-year-old woman with responsibilities that has and as some people would say an "unhealthy" obsession with a kpop group. But to me, they aren't just an idol group from S.Korea. They are the reason I have finally understood what it does mean to love myself. Yes, I have had other people in my lifetime that tried to teach me the best they could. But BTS taught me though music and dance and those things match with my soul. Only if you had this experience from my background would you truly understand! But because of them, I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone! It's not just BTS but the words and love from my friends and family as well all mashed up into one. I hope this is gonna help me discover who I am and what I truly want to do!

Thank you for reading to this point please join me on this journey of self-discovery and if anyone as any questions or comments please leave them and I will answer in my next chapter!

( I guess you could call this a blog but not lol )

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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