Prologue Case: Dark May

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Academy City, the safe haven for the quirkless people in the world. Despite this, there are many troubles due to the former powerless people gaining egos and arrogance. Furthermore, the rejection of the outside world due to gaining their powers scientifically instead of through birth. Thus the term Espers were used for these individuals.

The way for Espers to gain their abilities is to substitute the world they live in with their own personal reality. This study shows why some people immediately get more emotional over their powers or lack of. They are the reason Anti-Skill and Judgement are established.

They are not the only groups in Academy City however. They are merely on the 'light' side. The dark side of the city holds many unsavoury individuals and groups. Unsavoury only in their line of work and on the respective individual's perspective. Names such as the Accelerator and the groups known as ITEM and SCHOOL are prevalent but there are also more subtle groups. The scene we are looking at displays that very group.

Ryou Pov
"Rio, Coffee!"
"Yes Onii-san!"
"Can you fetch me those documents as well dear Imouto?"
"Yes Onii-san!"
"Oh, and can you tell Kotaro to stop looking at me with puppy dog eyes? It's distracting me from my work."
"Kotaro is his own puppy. You should interact with him more!"
"Then we'll schedule some time after this work is done." I said, pushing up my glasses up on my face. "Where do you want to go? The beach or the park?" Rio immediately stood in front of me with her cute expression. She beamed me with a point blank smile of innocence and excitement. "Really?"

I sighed as I trussed up my hair. "Yes, I just have to send a few documents to Mugino and then do a few things for Kakine but I should be free in a few days. Gosh, it's hard being a private Detective in the dark side." I told my sister with an exaggerated expression of tiredness before flashing her with a grin.

My name is Takumi Ryou. A level 4 Esper in Academy City with the Umbrakinesis ability. I lived in Academy City for 5 years. The first year was gaining information on what goes on in the city. The second and third was used to establish a reputation for my business. I especially established a lot of connections in my third year when I met with Frenda Seivulin through her sister Fremea.

On my part, I was glad I adopted Rio. She was an Esper who was experimented on with fragmented memories. She was someone I stumbled upon in one of my cases and I let her freeload in my apartment. She has a fine eye for detail and analysis but was naturally nervous.

I had Mental Out herself try to put together her memories. I blown through 30 favours just for that but it was worth it. Rio was a Child Error, someone who was abandoned in Academy City. Her name at the time was Izuku Midoriya and she was taken in by Scientists to try and make the greatest Cryomancy Esper ability.

They succeeded but there was no way for them to actually use her due to the fact that her very presence caused the air to freeze to sub zero temperatures. The only reason I survived was because I used my Esper ability to handle her from a range. Rio had both the Cryomancy and Cryokinesis abilities from the experiment but she required regular heating otherwise she would just be put into stasis.

Rio wears thick winter clothing because of this but her skin is still slightly pale blue. The experiments cause her to have an albino like appearance though her hair turned pale blonde instead of pure white. Rio still has the red eyes though. Rio was abandoned by her father when her mother was sent to a hospital because of a villain Attack. Her father took the opportunity to knock her out and make a quick buck of selling her to Academy City.

After knowing of her past, she retained the name I gave her since she views me like an actual older brother figure. I offered to open up a case for her but she declined, wanting to stay with me. She officially joined and she is one of two workers in my Detective Bureau.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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