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Yes yes yes, the cover is made by me, well if you can already tell, I'm a talented artist who doesn't care about the world. Back to writing stories children (~')~ imma make ink miserable now lol.

Nobody's pov,
It was suffering for ink to continue living, oh? Why? She doesn't have a soul and she doesn't seemed that she could succeed in anything (plus this is proper English if you don't understand these)  ink has a little slight crush on error but later was rejected and now.. she is bad at everything, anything that she had ,will be erased and destroyed. Even when she goes visit other aus'  she doesnt drink one of her vials anymore because she thought there was no need to. Ink stared blankly at the doodle sphere wondering what would have happened if suddenly her friends forgets her. That it worsened her depression and thoughts.

"Listen pal,. None of them will even care if something were to actually happened to you."  "just die already ink , you're just a worthless excuse to be a creator or a protector."   "Dying is a better suggestion for you."  The voises went on and on repeatedly saying negative words to her that hit her like you got hit by a truck badly. 

Ink wanted to confess his love for error but did not get the chance because of error hanging out with blue too much . though,she doesn't want to disturb their friendship so she was just left alone without anybody's company. (I feel so sorry for you inky but NVM I'm depressed)

Ink stood up and opened a portal to wherever it is (cause I don't care)  . She started at the pit of spikes below.  She looked around to see if there was anyone to witness that the creator is doing suicide. But there was no body...  He looked back at the pit and jumped while closing her eyes.

Suddenly she felt as if she was grabbed by strings. She looked up and guess who it was?? Error , of all the people he could have been saved  but why error? Doesn't he hated her? Error pulled his string back up bring ink back on the surface.

Error's pov

Why did ink do this to themselves? Aren't they happy to be alive? Having so many friends like I mean they have a skeleTON of them? ( I don't care about making puns but doing my job as a random creator and a caretaker) she looked at me blankly.  As soon as I see those dull and soulless eyes, I started to get worried. But I have to pretend that I don't care about ink

"What the fuck did you do that for."
There were yet no response from smaller skeleton.
Ink was looking at the ground.

"why do you care for someone you hate ?"

... Thats kinda logical.. why did I save him? The  wave of thoughts came flowing through into my head. Suddenly ink stood up and opened a portal to another au.  I wanted to stop her from leaving was too late, she left, leaving me all alone in the anti-void.

After a few hours of thinking, I decided to destroy some au's to get ink's attention. She waited for a few minutes but ink didn't show up. That was strange, doesnt ink always come stop him from destroying au's?  I continued destroying slot of au's but ink never came. I got a little concerned and feeling something wasnt right. I opened a portal to inks house and look into the window. Ink was sitting on the floor.. with blood all over her arm and wrists? I saw several cuts on her arms.  Did she do that to herself? But why? 

I took up a piece of paper in my pocket ( cause screw logic) and wrote something on the paper. And drops the paper leaving it flying down slowly landing ontop of ink. Ink had noticed that and quickly hid the cut under her sleeves. She then looked around to make sure no one was watching her.

No one's POV
Ink was getting suspicious around her surroundings and she knew someone was watching her.  But she was relieved that she found nobody's there. She reads the letter..

To be continued ʕ   ν^ʔ

Lmao,I'll go get more coffee to puke out blood and I'll do my best on the next part or this 'story'.   Bye 👋🏼

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