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I am Autumn Fishers. I had amber eyes, caramel skin and dark brown hair. I was born on May sixteenth, fifteen years ago. My best friend was Luca Hart. I was alive. I am forgotten. I was only eleven, too young for this. All that's left of me is but a whisper, a single leaf on a tree, but Luca brought me back.

Four years ago, I was alive. I could take breaths, eat food, touch. I miss my birthday, the warmth of my sister's hugs, playing hide-and-go-seek with Luca, talking to people. Now I am forever in solitary confinement, constantly reminded of the alive's beating hearts. It's not how you'd imagine it, being a wandering soul. I can hear you, see you, love you, but you'll never be able to do the same to me. You take every waking moment for granted, touching, feeling, laughing, loving. I will never be able to do so again. I just wish I wouldn't have wasted all my time, watching TV and such, but embracing my everyday life and... living. I might not have been damned to this fate then.

Four years ago, I died in a car wreck. My sister, Hannah, was driving Luca and I to school. It was December eighth, just an average day. Luca and I were singing along to a song on the radio, alternating parts on occasion. Hannah was laughing because Luca was singing out of tune to be funny. He was actually quite the musical artist, but class-clown came first. I laughed as well, hitting him lightly on the forearm and telling him to stop. Luca dared me to take off my seat belt, he pushed the button to release the lock. I quickly snap it back in before Hannah could notice. Hannah turns around to tell us to knock it off. I then see a deer hop into the road, I tell Hannah to look out but it's too late. She hits the deer and swerves to the left, slipping on a patch of ice. Our car flies and turns in circles. I cling to Luca's arm, screaming bloody murder. My head flies into the window and breaks the glass. A piece of glass presses itself into my temple. The pain that had just made its way into my head stung but then dulled. The car stops rolling but my head doesn't. A feeling of nausea overcomes me, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. I feel myself go numb, each limb loosing it's tight, overbearing pain. Then I knew, I knew this was the end. I felt Luca shake my arm, I try to focus my eyes on him. He has blood trickling down his temple, he's clutching his arm like it's broken. His blonde hair is stained with scarlet, his emerald eyes bloodshot. He says something, but I don't hear. I see flashing lights but it is overcome by a bright, blinding white light.

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