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My eyelids fluttered open to a sterile white light. I recoil but slowly grow used to it. I stand up, my legs wobbling slightly. I wear a dress of white linen, clean and crisp. I see a table in front of me with three bowls. One bowl contains a single glass orb with a light in the center, one with the bud of a crimson rose, and the other is white lily sitting in water. Choose, says a booming voice in my head. I take a step forward, in awe of the beauty each object holds. Lily for equality, rose for vanity, glass for purity. The voice continues. My hand reaches for the glass but I hesitate. I move my hand over the rose but I feel a dark aura that surrounds it. I at last look at the lily. I remember how beautiful this flower was, even as an ignorant child, but now I wish I had chosen the glass. My hand touches the white flower and the light overtakes me again.

My head turned in circles, flashing images of moments in my life. They say your life flashes in front of your eyes when you die, but I'm already dead. But throughout the slide show, I see a dark hooded figure that seemed to be following me. Apparently I was destined for death. At the end, I black out again.

I wake up under a summer sky, lying in a field of grass. A willow tree gives me shade from the midday sun. I sit up, assuring myself this nightmare was just a dream, but when I look to my right I see a funeral being held. A few familiar faces appear from the crowd, causing my curiosity to draw me closer. Only a few seconds later do I realize that it's my funeral. One of the worst things about being dead, all the bad memories you've submerged in the dark corners of your mind make their way to the surface. I remember every moment that I ever had taken a breath, my birthdays, school days, even when my aunt died when I was three. All these overwhelming emotions cause me to draw a sharp breath. Only after I had, I realize I have consumed no oxygen. However, the familiar action comforts me. I walk, or rather seem to float, over to where the funeral is being held. I see my mother, father, and Hannah crying to themselves. I see Luca and his mom in the front row, silently paying their respects. Luca had tears forming in his pretty green eyes, making his pale cheeks rosy. I walked through the pathway, watching the people bow their heads and cry. "Sir? I believe I'm lost." I say, going to tap his shoulder, but instead I faze through him. I recoil in terror, but the man seems unresponsive. I try again, but the same result occurs. I'm afraid of myself now, taking sharp breaths to calm myself down. I continue to walk up the path until I find a seat next to Luca. I remember wanting to hug him, wanting to assure him it would be okay, but I can't.

"A-Autumn!?" Says a familiar voice I recognize immediately. I turn to look at Luca, and unlike everyone else, he looks directly at me.

"You... C-can see me?" I say, not believing my ears. I know I will wake up, and find out this is all some twisted dream, but no sensation occurs.

Hey everyone! This is the author, xXx_Lynz_xXx, apologizing about the cliffhanger. The next chapter will be better, promise! Till the next chapter, my lovelies! ^-^

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