The Arrival

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Rebeccas POV

The clock had struck 8:00 am and Rebecca had already called in sick.

She took a hot shower while brushing her teeth, got out then wrapped a towel around her and started to brush her hair while walking to her bedroom. 

She looked at the clothes that she had set out on her bed.

She had two pairs of clothes on the bed.

The first pair was some jean shorts that were long enough to cover her butt and a yellow t-shirt with lace sleeves.

The second pair was a peach casual dress that was a bit above the knees.

She was conflicted between the two of the outfits.

The first one was cute and said that she was a nice, warm person.

The second outfit was pretty but she had a feeling that it said she was trying too hard to impress a fricken android.

She sighed and picked the first outfit because she didn't want to be that desperate person even though she kinda already was and also because she wasn't the hugest fan when it came to dresses.

She stopped brushing her detangled wet hair and dropped the towel that covered her delicate parts and put lotion on.

When she was done she started to put on the shorts and yellow t-shirt with lace sleeves.

As soon as she was done she jumped back in bed and hopped on her phone.

She tapped on her messages and went to the Loveriod contact and reread the message that they had sent her.

She was looking for the time for when the android would come, she was determined to make sure she was right about the time.

The time for the delivery was 11:00 am and it had just turned 9:00.

Rebecca groaned. Waiting for things was never her strong suit.

So she decided to text Makayla to pass time.

(Hey) texted Rebecca.

(Hey girl wassup?) Replied Makayla.

Just then Rebecca knew how to pass time, she wanted to meet up with Makayla, after all, she needed to tell her what she had just done.

(Could we meet up?) texted Rebecca.

Makayla replied quickly like she had been waiting for Rebecca to ask this. (Yeah, sure I'm free)

(Great) Rebecca was happy to hear that she was going to talk with Makayla, it had been a while since their last girl time.

(Where do you want to meet up) questioned Makayla.

(Let's go to Starbucks I haven't eaten any breakfast yet.) replied Rebecca.

(Alrighty, meet you there at 9:30) said Makayla.

The conversation ended as soon as it started.

Rebecca set her phone in her back pocket then got up to go get her white socks and white Jordan's.

She then went to her mirror so she could check herself out.

That's when she noticed it.

Her hair was a big poofy red mess.

She gasped and ran to go get her brush and started to comb her hair out.

It took a while but soon her hair was straightened.

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