💭Their First Thought Of You💭

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HALLO! (=^ω^=)丿


Rey Palpatine 🦋:

"Leia thinks I'm ready but i still dont know, wait who's she, I've never seen her around before, oh my god she's so perfect I NEED her. I'll ask leia who she is hopefully she'll know."

Jannah Lando 🐗:

"Oh my gosh she's so cute, no! Jannah stay focused you have a job . . . . I hope we get to spar she seems so cool!"

Zorii Bliss 😼:

"Huh, I've never seen her before but she claims to have lived here her whole life, wow, she must be good, we could definitely use someone like her and she's really easy on the eyes so that's a plus."

Jyn Erso 🧠:

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god im sooo late my trainer is gonna be so mad just keep running, ugh you made it,


THAT'S MY TRAINER!?! And i just came in late and running, oh my god im screwed what a great first impression on a beautiful woman, hold on she actually really nice, i just hope she likes me and doesn't think I'm an idiot."

Leia Organa 👑:

"I don't know what to do about the archive, oh shit, what did i bump into,
Oh my stars! I don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful as the goddess in front of me. Aw she's nervous how cute, she's a pilot, she just keeps getting better. I have to get back to work but I hope i see her again."

Padme Amidala 💅:

"Igh i hate the chancellor, wait who's this, oh it's just a maid, she's. So beautiful though, i couldn't imagine someone like her to be a maid, a goddess more like it. She seems so concentrated, it's so cute how her tongue pokes out like that, i have to know who she is immediately."

Captain Phasma 🔫:

"This battalion is just getting worse they need to work harder, who's that, I've never seen her before, oh wait,


hmmm i guess she's new, wow, she's a good fighter, better than the rest here that's for sure, I want to see what she can do, ill challenge her and test her abilities but she seems like she's gonna become one of the best."

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