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Luna's POV
As we drove home Ashton clutched gently on my hand as I sat staring out the window tears dripping from my eyes. I lost my baby. Again. "Don't cry" he said.

"Why not?" I sniffle "you can barely hold in your tears. You should cry Ash. It's healthy" I tell him.

"Stop." He said.

"Ashton." I warn "stop acting so tough; you're hurting" I tell him

"Please stop" he whispers.

"Did you want him?" I asked

"What?!" He asks a tear falling. "What makes you think I didn't. Of course I wanted him"

"But you barely seem affected." I state.

"I want to be strong for you." He tells me "I don't want you to kick yourself; because it is not your fault" he tells me. "Look I'm sorry okay?" He sighs.

"It's okay." I smile he squeezed my hand.

"There will be other times lunie" he said "don't lose hope." He tells me.

"But what if it's false hope?" I ask. Genuinely out of curiosity but part of me thought maybe this will continue to happen again and again and again.

"Well get a baby one day." He says "I promise."

Ashton let out a sigh as we pull up to the house. It was early in the morning. Around 4 am now. "I'm going to call your mom" he said as we walk inside.

"Alright" I mumble walking into the lounge and wrapping a blanket around myself and turning on The Simpson's. Minutes later Ashton walks in and places a cup of tea in-front of me and one in front of him. He sits next to me and I move to rest my head on his lap. He strokes my forehead. "I know baby. I'm sorry" he apologise

"Did you call my mom?" I whisper.
"She didn't pick up. I left her a voicemail" he says "I called Luke and told him to come over. He left a few minutes ago"

"I love you Ashton" I stoke his knee under my head.
"I love you" he said taking a sip of his tea gazing down at me.

I heard a knock on the door making Oakley jump up awake and start barking. "Let me get the door" I tell Ashton standing up. "Oakie be quiet darling" I hush her. I open the door and there stood Luke in sweatpants and a t-shirt. His long curly hair falls in his face but he pushes it back to see me.

"Oh Luna" he pouts and engulfs me in a tight cuddle. "I'm so sorry." He said with his head resting on his chin. I guess that's when i lose it and break down into tears; maybe because Luke knowing makes it real. Luke pulls away and wipes my tears. He gives me a little kiss on my forehead before following me into the lounge.

"Hey Luke thanks for coming over" Ashton thanks him, Luke gives Ashton a hug. "Luna I'm going to the shop to get you some stuff okay?" He asks.

"Okay." I nod
"I'm here if you need anything" Luke says sitting next to me on the sofa.
"Ashton get me adult diapers. I'm not risking bleeding everywhere during the show tonight" I say.
"You're still playing to play?" Luke asks
"They paid I'm not letting them down" I say.
"I don't think that's a good idea my love" Ashton says leaning over the sofa.
"Look I'll be okay." I tell them.
"If you're sure" Ashton sighs. "I'll be back in an hour." He kisses me.

"What happened?" Luke asked me whilst my head rested on his shoulder.
"It was just a stomach ache" I say "but I kept getting worse" I tell him.
"You don't deserve this" he tells me. "Gosh you and Ashton haven't done anything to have suffered like you have this past year." He rubs his face.
"Can I tell you a secret?" I asks him.
"You can tell me two" he laughs.
"Ashton proposed to me tonight" I giggle.
"No way?!" Luke gasps "he was supposed to toady after your show"
"I know." I smile. "But the way he did it." I pout.
"So what's going to happen now?" Luke asks.
"We're getting married" I smiled. "And then we'll try for a baby."
"Never expected fo you two to fall in love" Luke smirks "I mean we all used to share baths when we were little."
"Still can't get Calum's face out of my head when he walked in on me and Ashton" I say trying to impersonate Calum.

It has been later than 2 hours and Ashton just arrived home. I was asleep on the sofa with Luke and Oakley and the door had startled me. "Sorry guys" he apologises placing the bag on the kitchen counter. "Luna your mom is outside." Ashton strokes my head.

"Luke, Luna" my mom gushes. "Oh baby are you alright?" She asks me.
"Mom I'm okay." I tell her. She put her palm on my forehead and moves over and kneels in front of me.
"The doctor told you what to expect?" She questions.
"Yeah they did." I tell her.
"Oh honey." She said. "Luke you okay?" She asks Luke who is lying on the sofa, hair all over the place who looks high.
"Huh? Yeah" Luke startles "I'm okay Amanda. You okay?"
"I'm fine thank you" she rubs his arm. "Ashton tells me you want to play tonight."

"I'm going to mom" I tell her.
"Okay." She nods. "Let me make you three breakfast. You've had a long night"

Ashton sits down with me and Luke in the sofa in the living room and holds a dental stick for Oakley who sat miserably by my feet. She jumps up and places her paws on Ashton's knees. "Here you go my baby." He says kissing her fluffy head.

"Okay here you are." My mom said handing us all a bowel of porridge with blueberries and honey. She gave Luke and Ashton one and then comes back in giving us all a cup of coffee.

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