Chapter 1

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I own none of the rights except for the OCs(Own characters)all original Percy Jackson rights go to Rick Riordan.

Percy POV

The War had been won and me and my girlfriend,Annabeth,can finally have a normal life.

Or so I thought.Boy how wrong I was.Oh sorry,right,you guys don't know whats happened.Alright allow me to explain.


Three months ago the war between us and Gaia had concluded.

It ended with Leo sacrificing himself for us. Unfortunately,It had weakened her but not finished the job.In rage of my friends death and sacrifice being in vain,I had launched myself at her spinning as a vortex of hurricanes appeared around me.Riptide was in my hand as I collided full force into Gaia.Smacking her a good mile backwards.I continued to propel myself and my humongous storm towards her continuously slashing,hacking and all in all,destroying her.

"Perseus Jackson,my how strong you are"Gaia chuckled

"Join me"Gaia said with a commanding tone.

"Hmm...Let me think about"I then launched myself once again but this time with my father commanding the waves beneath me.I hit Gaia with such force that she literally crumbled to pieces.The earth trembled as not only a primordial was defeated but as I hit the ground the force tore a crater into the ground.

I woke up a few days after that to a massive celebration.Life is finally good.And it will stay that way forever.

I woke up this morning to a nice and sunny day outside.I went about my usual activities such as sword fighting training and teaching.Eating in the pavilion etc.Until I heard a very high pitched scream at the edge of the border.I ran at full pace to see what was up and when I reached the border,a boy ginger hair,green eyes and a really bad case of acne was running away from what I assumed was a hellhound. However,it looked so small as if it had literally had been born this morning.I still went over and slew it with a single wipe of my blade.It was pathetic,I almost feel bad for killing it.Almost.

"Hey dude,I'm Percy Jackson nice to meet you"with which he responded by chucking himself at me and wrestling Riptide out of my hand.The only reason he managed to take it was by the shock I was experiencing. Chiron and the others had just arrived to see me laying on the floor whilst the newcomer was in a terrible stance pretending as if he himself just killed the runt hellhound.

"Oh good somebody else is here,this guy looks at the tiny beast with fear in his eyes and chucks me this sword and says "you're on your own kid"The new kid says. Chiron and the campers look at me in disgust.They actually believe him!?

"I'm disappointed in you Percy,I expected more from the saviour of Olympus"Chiron said with sadness and betrayal in his eyes.

WTF?They believe this scumbag over ME!?

The new kid walks into the border and is instantly claimed as a...son of Poseidon.This Twat is my half-brother.

"All hail...whats your name my boy?"Chiron inquired

"Nile.Nile Smith"Nile said

"All hail Nile Smith son of Poseidon god of the seas,earthsaker,lord of horses and storms"Chiron said whilst bowing.Reluctantly I bowed out of respect for my father.Everyone else followed mine and Chirons example.Nile smirked at everyone bowing to him,he liked it.That's never a good sign.

---------------------------TIME SKIP-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A few months had passed.And Nile had made my life hell.He broke and stole everybody's stuff and placed it on my bed.He made most of my friends turn on me.Even the Seven,all of them.Well maybe not all of them.I still had my Annabeth.

The Scarred Hero-A Percy jackson betrayed storyWhere stories live. Discover now