Chapter 2

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I own none of the rights except for the OCs(Own characters)all original Percy Jackson rights go to Rick Riordan.

Percy POV

(Ten years later)

I have been down here for what feels like 100 years.That's because it has been 100 years.My immortality has stopped me from being killed or ageing.In fact,I will probably be 18 forever. Yay.

I was chained at an X position with legs and arms bound by a metal I learned to be called Pit Steel.Strongest substance in the demigod world.My chest is bruised,scarred,cut and branded with an X Fire Brand.My mop hair has grown down to my shoulders.I have a nasty scar going from the top of my right temple to the bottom left side of my jawline.I remember that particular scar.

Flash Back(About 60-70 years ago)

I was strapped down,being beaten to a pulp by The giants whilst Kronos was in front of me twirling his scythe.

"Im gonna make this hurt Jackson"Kronos snarled.

He brought down the scythe in a slow slash that left my face scarred,and my right eye white.I wasn't blind however my irises had just been seared,removing all colour from my eye.

Flash Back End

The left side of my face had been burned,the skin seared of leaving skin that looked mangled and destroyed(Y'know like Savitar from the flash,or Two face from The Dark Knight).

Suddenly,I heard a monster growl,a sign that I had learned,meaning that it was about to pounce.As soon as it was within range,my teeth chomped down upon the newly whimpering creature.I clenched my teeth harder and the monster evaporated into dust.

"Damn it"I grumbled

"That was supposed to be my food".


I started to hear footstep and...oh no

"Perseus"Kronos called
"It's time to play"

"Fuck off Kronos"I retorted

"Well that's rude"He said in mock hurt.
"You're gonna be punished for that"he said before out of nowhere slashing my right arm causing me to yelp out In pain.

"That's right,FEEL THE PAIN"Kronos yelled.

"Dude,its been about a hundred years and I've finally came to the conclusion that you need therapy"I mocked

"Shut up,Jackson" He growled

"Oh?And why should I do that?"

"Because...I'm the one holding the scythe"He said in a deathly calm voice.

He suddenly slashed downwards and was about to cause serious damage to my chest when time just stood still.

"Hello Perseus"A voice echoed through my head .

"Who are you?Also,where are you?"I asked non-chalantly,I've given up caring by this point.

"Well,you know who I am but to answer you're second question...You are currently standing on my back."The voice chuckled

"Wait hold up...Tartarus right?"I asked.Hmmm,wonder what he wants.

"Correct"The voice confirmed.

"What's up?"I questioned

"What's up?WHATS UP?Is this some cruel joke?"He screeched

"Huh?"I asked dumbfounded

"Nothing is up this is the abyss...I now realise you are asking what I want"Tartarus realised

The Scarred Hero-A Percy jackson betrayed storyWhere stories live. Discover now