Science miss hap

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The Science department needed to upgrade many of the exorcist’s innocence. Allen walked with his friend Lavi down to the basement where the equipment typed exorcists had to turn in their innocence weapons for twenty-four hours. All exorcists would be required to stay at headquarters until they received their upgraded weapons. Currently that meant Lavi as all others were out on assignment. Allen had just returned from an assignment.
“What do you think they are going to do to it?” Lavi asked his one good eye looking worried as he twirled the small hammer in his hands. He tried to polish the wood with his sleeve.
“I don’t know.” Allen frowned at the weapon. It was unusual that the science department took all the weapons from the exorcists. Typically, they only did upgrades if they had to repair the weapon.
“Nothing better happen to her, or I will gladly murder whoever hurt my sword!” Lavi and Allen glanced at each other. They both knew who that angry voice belonged to. Sure, enough Kanda, the meanest exorcist that had ever lived stormed from the room, just as the two friends reached the door.
“So, Yu, you’re stuck here too.” Lavi greeted him. Kanda shoved the taller boy up against the wall, his forearm across the others throat.
“Don’t call me Yu!” He snarled. Lavi laughed.
“Sure, sure thing.” He grinned. “Still touchy on that huh?” he asked when the dark-haired samurai let him go. Kanda didn’t even bother looking back at them.
“Wow, guess he isn’t too happy with giving them Mugen.” Allen commented watching the other storm off.
Lavi walked into the room. Timcampy, Allen’s golem sat on his head. The golden ball like flying communication device had been Allen’s only friend for a long time until he came to headquarters.
“Oh, Allen glad you are here. We will need to borrow Tim as well.” Reever the head of the science department stated.
“Um, what?” Allen looked concerned.
No worries. He will be returned to you tomorrow.” Reever said with a wary smile.
Allen pulled the golden ball from his head. There had hardly been a night that he had been without the little golem since General Cross Marian found him. He stroked the little head. Timcampy purred in his hands.  Johnny moved up to take him.
“Don’t worry, Allen. We will take good care of him.” He stated.
“Well it looks like only Allen, Lavi and Kanda made it in tonight. We will have to upgrade the others as they come in. Chief Komi’s orders.” Another scientist stated after he hung up a phone.
“Great.” Lavi complained rolling his one eye at Allen. “We get stuck with Yu.” Then an evil grin appeared on his face.
“How about we have some fun.” Allen was instantly concerned.
“I don’t think Kanda would be up for your kind of fun, Lavi.”  Lavi laughed dropping his arm around Allen’s shoulders.
“Live a little. Think of it this way.” He said as he pulled the younger boy out of the room. “at least he can’t kill us, the science department has Mugen.” Lavi chuckled.
“I think he could find other ways.” Allen said, looking back as Johnny placed Timcampy on a table with Mugen and Lavi’s Iron Hammer. No other golems were getting upgraded. But no other golems were like the little golden ball. Allen sighed as the door closed behind him. Lavi playfully pushed Allen into the lift.
Dinner that night was a quiet affair. Lavi sat with Allen as he ate his mound of food. Kanda, as usual was by himself. Lavi smiled at Allen.
“Be right back, short stack.” He called loud enough for the Samurai to hear.  Kanda glared at the read haired pirate boy for using his nickname for the short white-haired boy.
“Hey, Yu, you want to do something tonight?” Kanda hadn’t paid too much attention to the dumb bunny. Now it was beside him.
“Don’t call me…”
“Yeah, yeah you don’t like to be called Yu. But really Allen doesn’t like to be called short stack or bean sprout either, yet you still do it.” Lavi waved off the others threat.
“See I was thinking…” The red head went on as if he hadn’t been interrupted by a threat from the brooding male beside him. “… we could do some combo workouts, then go to the library, maybe act out a few plays…” Allen came over to them now that he was done with his food. Kanda glared at him, yet when neither left he grudgingly agreed.
“Sounds good to me.” Allen stated. “What else can we do?” he shrugged before heading out to his room to get ready.
They all met an hour later in the workout room.  At first things went well. Kanda began to by teaching Allen some fighting skills. The smaller boy had was useless in a fight without his innocence. Even though Allen was a parasitic exorcist which meant his innocence was in his body, he still had times when it was too badly damaged to fight.
Lavi quickly got bored with this since the older boy was skilled in various forms of fighting.  He began to tease Kanda, a favorite pastime of his. This ranged from calling him by his hated first name to outright laughing at him for the sounds he was making. Allen spent the remainder of the time trying to keep Kanda from killing the red-haired boy. While Lavi was laughing at how easily it was to get Kanda mad enough to chase him.
Allen managed to get the two to stop. He called the training session to be over and demanded that they all go shower. They went back to their rooms. After a quick shower they met in the library. When none of them could agree on a play, Lavi suggested they play truth or dare. Lavi decided Kanda should go first.
“Truth or dare?” he asked the brooding teen. Kanda tsked, crossed his arms and looked away.
“Dare.” He muttered. Lavi’s evil grin had Allen stomach turning in knots.
“I dare you to kiss Allen, on the lips, for thirty seconds.”
“Hey, wait a …” Allen tried yelling. He was interrupted by Kanda pulling him to face him. Allen blinked into the blue eyes of the warrior.  Leaning forward Kanda placed his mouth on the boys. Allen blinked as Kanda’s eyes closed. His lips were soft against the others. Kanda pressed deeper against him. Allen slightly startled by this let his mouth drop open a bit. Kanda slipped his tongue inside. Allen fought to stifle a moan as the boy tasted like wine. It was a heady experience and Allen was dazed when Lavi called time. The red-haired boy didn’t look happy that Kanda didn’t put up a fight over kissing the smaller boy.
Allen blinked at Kanda, realizing he had just said something. Kanda rolled his eyes. “Come on short stack, truth or dare?” he growled. Allen thought a second. He was terrified of what the other might dare him to do. It slipped out when he said “Truth.”
“Why are you always so happy a nd nice, it’s not natural?” Kanda demanded. Allen blinked again. Kanda waited head tilted to one side watching him. Allen could only whisper a name.
“Mana.” He said. He looked away from Kanda, not wanting to say more. He heard a soft tsk, but didn’t look at the samurai.
“Ok, your turn, Allen.” Lavi sounded overly cheerful.
“Lavi, truth or Dare?” Allen asked him. He the pirate looking boy grinned.
“Dare.” He bounced in his seat. Allen gave him a small smile.
“I dare you to braid Kanda’s hair.”
“No one is touching my hair!” Kanda cried jumping up. Lavi chased Kanda in order to fulfil his dare. Somehow, he managed to trip the other and sit on him to braid his silky black hair. Now it was Lavi’s turn. He again went to Kanda. The game progressed to once again leading to Lavi being chased around headquarters by an angry Yu Kanda. Allen gave up and went to his room leaving the one-eyed boy to his fate.
Allen woke early to go to breakfast. Jerry had all of his favorites ready for him. He was about half way through when a little boy came bounding into the room. His golden hair stuck up all over his head. He had a tail the curled and uncurled as he laughed racing away from a very tired looking Johnny. Although Allen had never seen the boy before, and it was rare that a child would be at headquarters, there was something familiar about this kid.
Upon seeing Allen eating the green-eyed boy rushed up to him. He launched himself at the exorcist. Wrapping his arms around Allen’s neck he hung down his back holding tightly.
“Allen!” He cried hugging him.
“Tim get back here!” Johnny cried rushing up to them.
“Tim?” Allen looked at the boy as he pried him off of himself. “Timcampy!” Allen jerked as he stared at the little boy beside him. He looked to be about ten years old.
“Yes!” Tim grinned happily up at him. His tail curled and uncurled glad that his master recognized him.
“Johnny, what have you done!” Allen cried. He pulled the little boy close to him. Keeping one arm protectively around the boy’s shoulders. The boy hugged Allen’s waist.
“Apparently he turned us human.” Another boy appeared. He had dark hair and a surly expression. His skin was the color of copper. Dark eyes sparkled in his handsome face.
“Where is my master?” he asked.
“Uh, are you mu…” Allen began.
“Hammer stop it. You’re going to scare everyone away. Be nicer!” Tim yelled at him.
“Hammer?” Allen asked looking between the boys. “As in Lavi’s hammer?” the boy folded his arms over his chest and refused to look at anyone.
“Hey Hammer why did you leave me behind!” came an almost whiney voice. A slender boy walked into the room. His eyes danced with silver. His dark hair changed with the light as he moved across the floor. One moment it was black then it was streaked with blue. A smile touched his thin lips when he saw Allen and Tim.
“Hey, short stack, where is my Kanda?” he called coming to stand beside the glaring Hammer.
“What is going on here? Where is Mugen?” Came a growl from behind the boys. The beautiful child spun at the voice. He rushed forward flinging his arms around the dark samurai’s waist.
“Kanda!” He cried happily. He buried his face into Kanda’s stomach.
“Get off of me!” Kanda cried trying to unhinge the boy’s hands. The boy laughed.
“But it’s me, Mugen!” he cried. He let go of Kanda only to dance a circle around him singing a little song. “Deep in the night we met, bonded in pain. We saw each other in the dark neither realm. I reached for you, my Kanda-chan.” Kanda snagged the boys arm slapping a hand over his mouth.
“Stop it!” He ordered. The boys silver eyes filled with little silver tears. Allen was on his feet. He pulled Tim with him as he grabbed Kanda’s arm.
“Don’t you hurt him!” Allen yelled. He bent to look at Mugen’s mouth. There was a small trickle of blood at the corner. Allen wiped it off.
“Are you ok, Mugen?” he asked. The boy flashed a smile up at the white-haired exorcist.
“Yes! Kanda talks about you all the time, Bean Sprout.” He chirped.
“Not another word.” Kanda ordered the little boy. All the boys looked to be about ten years old. Lavi was standing behind Kanda watching the dark surly looking child.
“And you are?” he asked. The boy rolled his eyes.
“You really are an idiot.” The child grouched. Lavi laughed at it.
“Um, Johnny what happened?” Allen asked. Johnny’s shoulders slumped in defeat.
“We were working on the upgrades when we all fell asleep. We have been working around the clock for days now.” He sighed wiping at his face. He took his glasses off to rub at tired eyes.
“Kanda loves Allen, Kanda loves Allen.” Little Mugen was sing songing as he danced around the pair. Kanda tried to grab him again when Allen slapped his hands away.
“He is a little boy, Kanda.” Allen snarled at him.
“He is a brat!” Kanda yelled back. “Don’t listen to him, bean sprout.”
“Oh, why, because he is telling us all your secrets.” Lavi laughed.
“He’s insane!” Kanda cried trying once more to reach around Allen to get at the boy. Tim bit his arm.
“Ouch, why you!!!” Kanda lunged at the golden boy. He was met with a steel hand slamming him into the wall. Allen had activated his innocence.
“Do Not Touch Timcampy!” He growled. Kanda struggled against the huge hand pinning him to the wall.
“Mugen make him let me go!” He ordered. The boy stuck his tongue out at his master.
“No, you’re being mean!” He laughed as he linked arms with Tim.
“We don’t know what happened. When we woke, they were human.” Johnny finished as if anyone was still listening to him.
“Are you sure you got the right ones with the right people?” Jerry the cook was watching as Lavi poked Hammer in the face. The boy slapped his hand away repeatedly. Everyone looked to where Tim and Mugen were happily dancing laughing at Kanda's fury, then to the silent Hammer ignoring the chuckling Lavi.
“They say they are their innocence.” Johnny said.
“The science department needs rest. You three and your innocence will remain at headquarters until we can get this sorted out.” Chief Komui stated as he entered the room.
“Allen please release Kanda. You are all responsible for your own…” he paused looking around at them. “uh, um…”
“I am not giving a little boy to Kanda!” Allen snarled glaring at the dark samurai.  “Mugen can come with Tim and me.” He said.
“But I want to be with Kanda too.” Those silver orbs shimmered with fresh tears. “I need to protect him.” The boy cried as the tears slipped down his cheeks.
“I will stay near bean sprout.” Kanda stated sullenly. Allen released him. He remained by the wall. Mugen's face split into a large grin. He flung himself into Kanda’s waist.
“Oh, thank you!” he cried hugging the exorcist tightly. Kanda tsked but Allen noted how one hand touched the boy’s hair.
“Let’s, uh, go for a walk.” Allen suggested. The six of them headed out to walk around the headquarters. It was a clear sunny day. Only a few dark clouds could be seen in the distance.

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