chapter 1 sphere of fear part 1

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As the world dule carnival finals kicks off Yuma faces off against vetrix who will emerge the winner in this duel? stay tuned for the chapters to find out.

As Yuma and vetrix where about to dule in sphere heatland speaks up as the announcer for the finals he says let's kick off the world dule finals let's see who will emerge victory and be world dule champion ? will it be our dark horse masked man the mysterious duelist Vetrix? Or wil it be our spucky hero Yuma Tsukumo and now let's the finals began this will be our new revolutionary state of the art dule sphere.

Then four mechanical machines appear from under the ground.
And you can rest for sure readers that are reading that the numbers they will use will generate the numbers they use.

then all 4 machines formed a sphere around the two Yuma was worried and stepped back and then touched and said what is this? he then was pulled in by the sphere then Vetrix went also saying thats faker fory. after that heartland says we will now Raise our two finals't on two the final dullest to the sky. as everyone cheeres the sphere raise them up into the final spot to dule vetrix then said well yuma I not suprised you would make it this far Yuma. Oh yeah what do you mean?

Asked Yuma. vetrix then said cuase of the example set by your dear diluted father you See when i was lost in between dimension I sometimes Gave up hope but i Would think of Of Kuzuma his belief in friendship and never Giving up. you have that same spirt yuma of never giving up by then faker had betrayed me by then i knew your father was wrong and i now realize friendship isn't precises. In fact. not by a long shot It's pointless! Trey, Quinton, and Quattro. you used them for your revenge scheme.

so what their as troublesome as friend's and i gave each of those loser a crest That where connected to their souls and gave them great power and they each failed me horribly And i know they would lose. how could you they looked up to you why would you do such a thing and for you revenge schem your a horrible Dad . well then i guest i'm A Bad then. well then if you say that my  heart is set for revenge i guess that's my only reason for living And I will not  stop to get my revenge.

Then Yuma Told Him Your worng About revenge and also about friendship, trey was my friend and he promise me to save his  family so i won't give up and i will save him and also save you also. oh really you save me what make you think that? he says from revenge it's posing you and you should give up while you can in the long run it will only end up Hurtting you!

revenge hurting me he lauhed at him saying You see Yuma What you fail To realize is your father is using you To get his revenge on faker luckly you don't have to do it alone, what are you talking about about my father would never let me battle to get. oh on the contrary you don't know Kuzuma As well As I do you see Your father been using you all along to get his revenge ins't that right Astral? wait is that why I'am here says astral. then vetrix says to them as both of you may know numbers have incredible power so much so it's enough To destroy this world.

both yuman and astral where surprised by this and vetrix said Your father knew well that the numbers he could give you that you would use their power and battle and he sent you'r little friend astral and luckily you won't have to get revenge alone ins't that right faker?!

Then Soon Enough Faker Apperd On Screen but as a hologram as And Chuckled with everyone being suprised Of Seeing Dr Faker And With Him Saying Your Looking young as ever thanks i should thank you for this. and after their conversation He then left and it was time to battle heartland explained the rules of the sphere field and what it dose the battle was under way.

your ready to beaten vetrix? I could say the same for you Yuma ae you ready? he asked Of course i am get ready. as both got the dule disk ready heartland spoke up.

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