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[what if instead of fighting steve, billy joined the group and didn't take anything seriously? until they get attacked by demodogs of course]

inspired by a series of gifs i seen on tumblr, will credit op when i find it

billy stormed out of his house. the world around him a bit of a blur. it had been another one of those nights. neil had came in while he was getting ready to go out. billy had forgotten to pick up max again, to be fair though she didn't tell him where she was going or when she needed to be picked up. he was going to go and find her after the party and bring her home when he was going home. neil didn't like that answer though, and he didn't like billy's smart ass remarks. billy could still feel his fathers hand on his face as he got in his camaro. he could barely think straight though, rage ran through him like fire. he couldn't help but get worked up when neil treated him like this, it made him want to break things, and destroy anyone who got in the way. maybe it was a good thing billy was going to find max, he always lashed out on her when he had no one else. he would never pyshically hard her, but he has broken her skateboard a time or two, and on more than one occasion has verbally bullied her.

billy stopped by her nerdy friends houses, and charmed his way until he got an answer. he was directed to the wheelers house, that was supposdly the spot the kids hung out that the most. it wasn't hard to find out where the kids were from mrs. wheeler. billy was sure he could probably get her to do just about anything if he had winked at her again. he wasn't into that though. right now his focus was bringing max home before neil was on him again.

the blue eyed male sped down the deserted roads of hawkins. there wasn't many people out at this time of night, and billy always took advantage of that. soon enough, he was turning down the dirt road to the byers house. there was only one car there he recognized, steve harrington's. billy thought it was strange that he would be here, he cut the engine of his car and could already see a couple of heads peeking out the window. one of them he recognized being max, steve came walking out of the house.

"you need to get inside, like now."

steve said with his hands on his hips, the door was closed but the kids were still watching them from the window. billy just laughed and lit a cigarette, he took a long drag and then looked to steve.

"look, harrington. i just came here to get my sister, so kindly ask her to get her ass in the car, now."

billy was now getting a bit irritated with steve. he didn't want to play any of their stupid games, he wanted to get max home before neil himself came looking for them. steve was about to speak, but a pounding noise came from the window. it was max, trying to get steve to hurry up.

"you know what, get the fuck outta my way."

billy huffed and pushed past steve, barging through the door and causing the kids to jump. they all looked up at him with wide eyes.

"get your shit and lets go, i'm not fucking playing."

he growled at max, steve had followed him inside and shut the door. it wasn't safe right now, and he wasn't letting anyone leave. he'd rather them argue it out inside the house, than stand outside with the chance of getting eaten by a demodog. billy was about to storm out but steve put his hand out to stop him, hand resting on his exposed chest. a smirk appeared on billy's face and the blonde male backed off. he sat on the chair and faced steve and the kids.

"tell me. tell me what's so important that i have to stay here with you."

billy lit a cigarette, an amused look on his face. glances were exchanged between steve and the kids. they weren't supposed to drag anyone else into this, but then billy showed up and now they would have to tell him. dustin was the first to speak, he spilled about everything. the demogorgan, the demodogs, eleven, the portal. when he was finished they all looked to see billy's reaction, the curly haired male was looking down. he took a long drag from his cigarette and let out a laugh, it was a bit dramatic but would did they expect. it was billy.

"you believe in all this, pretty boy?"

dustin looked to steve with wide eyes.

"steve, i think he means you."

"what? no."

"yes." billy smirked, looking up and making eye contact with steve.

"well why wouldn't i?" steve shrugged and billy shook his head.

at that time, a demodog crashed through the window. causing the kids to scramble off the couch for safety. steve acted quick, swinging his nailed bat to knock the monster back. billy got up, he was a bit in shock but that didn't stop him from grabbing an axe that was discarded in the kitchen. steve needed help, the monster was wounded but it was strong. billy came up and swung the axe, cutting the head of the monster right off. steve looked to billy, he was breathing a bit heavy.

"believe me now?" steve looked at billy and the boy nodded.

"yeah, i believe you now." he sighed with a soft laugh.

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