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Once things had calmed down, the kids stepped towards the two males.

"Maybe it's time to go set these things on fire." Steve said, looking at the party. He hadn't been too keen on the idea, but now that they were once again almost killed by one. It was time to put an end to them. Billy was here now, and Steve was sure he would want to tag along if he knew they were going to set something on fire.

"Woah what's this about fire, Harrington? First monsters and now you're playing with fires?" Billy said dropping the axe he held in his hand.

"Just roll with it, we tried catching you up. We have no more time to play around, will you drive us?" steve started directing the kids to grab some gear. goggles and masks to cover their faces, and a few extra weapons incase they needed them.

billy rolled his eyes at steve. "of course i'll drive, harrington. yours is shit and it would take us all night to get there. let's get the shit and go." he picked his axe back up and started directing everyone out the door. the kids were soon piling in the back of the camaro, they were complaining of the tight squeeze but billy just ignored them. steve got into the front seat, and they were off. billy drove as reckless as always, tossing the kids around as the hurried to the tunnels. in no time billy was turning on to the dirt road and stopping when they came upon the giant hole that would lead them to the tunnels. everyone unpiled from the camaro and steve started handing out their protection gear. steve handed billy a bandana, he already had his sunglasses on.

"gags aren't really my thing, but i guess i'll wear it for you, pretty boy." billy smirked and tied the cloth around his face. he knew the real reason why they needed the gear, but he enjoyed the blush that crept up on steve's face as he made the remark.

"now is not the time to fantasize about me, hargrove. save it for later." steve retaliated and shut the trunk of the camaro. the group followed steve closer to the entrance of the tunnels. "here's the plan, i'm going in first and then you shitheads get behind me. billy, you get in last so we can keep the kids between us."

billy rolled his eyes and steve decended down into the tunnels. billy stayed up at the top, helping the kids down to steve and then getting in himself. "stay close." steve calls out as they begin to navigate their way down the tunnels. they stayed in a line steve in front and dustin, mike, lucas, and max behind him. billy walked behind max, looking around as they went. it was a bit fascinating to him, but a part of him also couldn't believe he was here doing this. to know that this was what max and her friends were doing blew his mind.

they walked for what seemed like ages. stepping over vines and doing their best to avoid the toxic creatures of the upside down. "here! we're here, now we can set fire to this piece of shit." dustin said, causing them all to stop and take in the source. "c'mon, we got to get moving." will said started to pour gas all around the area. soon all of them had emptied containers on the monster. they stepped back and looked at steve. "1..2..3!" they each threw in a lighter and then took off back to the entrance. they were almost there when a demodog stopped them in their paths, both steve and billy had their weapons ready to attack but dustin stopped them. it was dart, the demodog he found in his trash and kept as a pet. he seemed to have recognized dustin, and the boy was able to calm the creature down and it let them go by unharmed.

as they started running again, they could finally see the exit. the headlights of the camaro were the only thing that was giving it light. suddenly steve fell to the ground, one of the vines were wrapped around his ankle and was pulling him back. the kids stopped. "steve!" they yelled and were coming back for him.

billy stopped them however. "i've got him, the exit is right there. get out and we'll be right behind you." reluctantly, the four of them kept going. they still didn't trust billy, but they would have to now. steve didn't want anyone else getting hurt trying to save him though. he would feel awful if billy or one of the kids got stuck in the same situation as he did. "billy go, make sure the kids get out. just leave me." steve was still struggling against the creatures grasp but it wasn't much help.

steve's protests didn't stop billy though. the blonde male went after him, chopping the vine right in half. causing it to finally uncurl from around steves ankle and let him go. "c'mon drama queen. m'not gonna leave you here." billy helped steve up and handed him his bat he dropped. it seemed like the thing caused steve to hurt his ankle, so billy kept an arm around his waist and helped steve up and out of the tunnels. the kids were all up at the top waiting on them and were relieved to see steve return in one piece. now that their part was done, all they had to do was wait and see if the others were okay too.

(Taking one shot requests now, if you have any send me a message or leave a comment 💕)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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