(Sasha x Levi, Modern AU)

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As always I don't own anything but any ocs I use

          Sasha was having a bad day, between waking up to her cat hacking up at the end of bed and the dog eating the cat's throw up. He was already gone for work and Sasha knew it'd be another night to come home and eat dinner and relax by herself because he'd either be at the office or asleep already. Sasha frowned seeing the note "Do laundry you brat!" over their pile of dirty clothes, and she could hear him yelling at her that if she wasn't lazy and helped with laundry she'd never be stressed over dirty clothes and she resorted to spraying one of her work shirts in perfume to make it smell less like coffee and pastries. When she was trying to change her dog stole a sock and the girl chased him around her house in tears. Her neighbor kept talking her ear off about the yard looking a mess and when she finally got to work her boss yelled at her for being ten minutes late. Sasha knew she was going to be roped into working till close again. She pounded down the redbull Connie tossed her and the two managed to get through their morning rush all while the rest of their team was making out in the back. When the manager saw what a mess the front was after the morning rush he yelled at them for it looking so bad and Ymir and Historia finally came out to help, though it took way too long due to the flirting and ass grabbing on Ymir's part

"I'm gonna kill myself." Connie mumbled as they cleaned the machines

"You kill me, I'll kill you. That's our deal, remember?"

"How should we do it?"

"Hmmm, there's enough hot items in the coffee shop for us to burn each other to death."

"That sounds like a slow and painful death." Connie frowns. Lunch rush was its usual, enough to keep them busy, but never busy enough to need all the pastries the manager made them bake. Sasha and Connie ended up wolfing down some pastries and drinking coffee. Connie was hanging half off of the counter, half asleep until Reiner came in, Bertholdt and Annie behind them

"Hi!" Sasha smiles and waves. Reiner smirks seeing Connie asleep and leans down kissing him awake "Hey, no more kissing in the bakery." She makes a face and takes her food stepping back. The trio stayed for a while and it made some time go by faster. When the manager came back from his three hour lunch break this guy from their old high school was flirting with her

"I'm dating someone, you know that Floch."

"Still? I thought you dumped that old guy," Sasha glared at the boy and kept making his drink "Come on, go on one date. You won't regret it."

"I said no." She said typing up his order in the computer, Floche frowned as he took a sip of his drink and paid, tipping the duo some change as he walked out

"What a charmer..." Connie scoffed. Later that night the two divided up their tips and left it for Ymir and Historia to clean up the shop, especially after Sasha got a coffee thrown on her with chocolate syrup and stuff in it.

"See ya tomorrow." Sasha called as she hopped in her Jeep, they both pulled out and went their respective ways. When Sasha got home she was excited to see his car in the driveway and she hurried in, kicking her shoes off

"How was work?" He asked chopping up vegetables. Levi was not the chef of the duo, he was ok with following recipes, but sometimes thing got burnt because he lacked patience and turned the stove on high. Sasha stayed quiet as she went to their room and stripping down into her underwear and walking back out, past him and into the garage/laundry room. The man poked his head in watching her quietly put everything in and he raised an eyebrow

"I got coffee thrown on me." Her voice was quiet, he had heard her sound so broken before...when her parents were pissed they were moving into together, or when she went to her first high school reunion and people still called her Potato girl. Lately he had been falling asleep before she got home so he never got a chance to talk to her. She walked towards him and he looked at the stains on her skin

"What happened?"

"I got coffee thrown on me." He clenched his fists and shook his head

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He brought her to the bathroom and started a bath making her point to what she wanted in the tub, vanilla scented epsom salt, lavender bubbble bath, and some coconut oil. She slipped in the tub and sighed still feeling like she was on the verge of tears

"Today was a bad day."

"What happened?"

"Snowball threw up...then Jax ate it...and then he stole one of my socks...I was late for work...got yelled at...it was just me and Connie all day, and.." She trailed off not wanting to mention Floche, but Levi narrowed his eyes as he had rolled his pant legs up and stuck his feets in, she had her head on his legs while he cleaned her up

"What happened after that?"

"Remember Floch Forster?"

"The asshole who got his ass beat for thinking he had a chance with you?"

"Yes, that's the guy."

"He was flirting with me.."

"Scumbag." She nudged him and looked up at him

"Who is the one seeing me naked and soapy right now?" She smirks

"Damn right, I earned that...I nearly went broke on our dates for the first year." He gives her a small smile and she lays her head back on him. The two stay like this for a while, Sasha rubbing his legs while he cleaned her off. Afterwards she helped him make dinner, wearing only a pair of his pajama pants, black and white checkered pants and a sports bra while he helped her, mainly watching her cook. After they ate and cleaned up they went to bed and Sasha had buried herself into bed beside him. Levi tried to stay awake until Sasha was asleep, but it wasn't long until he fell asleep, holding her close. Though she was taller, she curled up beside him. Tomorrow was another day and she knew she would regret having never switched the laundry to the dryer, but right now...Levi holding her, was the only thing that mattered.

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