Question 1

525 15 15

Jafar-San asks: What's the most perfect thing in the other?

Well what can I say!? EVERYTHING! I love his smile (when he actually smiles that is). The way he nags me to do my work or get out of bed every morning is adoreable. Although when he gets really mad it terrifying *sweats*. I love his beautiful little freckles...

*Blushing profusely*...Sin stop...

...and I also love the way he calls me 'Sin'. Rolls off the tounge perfectly don't you think? My, my, my he is one beautiful specimen, body and soul. And I would kno - OW! Ja'far what was that for?! That hurt *fake misery*

*Still blushing* they only asked for the most p-perfect thing not a whole monologue and you won't stop rambling!

I'm trying! I'm trying ok! But what can I say? All of you is perfect! *Ja'far blushes deeper* hmmm... To be honest the most perfect thing in my lil husband over here is the way he has always supported me through thick and thin. Ja'far has always been by my side and as long as I'm breathing he always will be. *Kisses Ja'far on cheek* Love you, Ja'far💜

I-I love you too Sin💚.

*Sinja smoochies off screen*

*To self* ah~ Aren't they beautiful. *sudden realisation* Guys! Guys!! GUYS!!! We need to continue. *whispers* sadly. *normal voice* Ja'far, what's your answer?

W-well I love ALL of Sin. He saved me. He turned my life around. Without him I don't know where I would be today. He has continued to provide for me and make sure i was well ever since. I also find it amusing sometimes when he acts silly and tries to impress me. He's always so considerate and kind putting others before him. I couldn't ask for a better king. However, *angelic smile* it wouldn't hurt him to do some work once in a while but it might hurt otherwise.

See! Scary!

But overall I believe that Sin is the best being in existence and I am the luckiest man ever! Thank you Sin💚.

*More Sinja smoochies off screen*

Well that concludes our today's Q and A. Pleasure doing business with you Sin and Ja'far.

*Muffled sounds of agreement*

'Til next time. Bai 👋!


Sinja Q and A💚💜Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang