Are you sick?

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Reyna's POV:
    As I was eating my jellybeans, Leo walked to his desk full of small trinkets and parts. I watched him for a bit, but soon felt bored so I got up from the comfy couch and asked, "What're you making?"

    Leo slightly jumped from being startled and turned his head to look at me, his nose almost touching my nose. I looked away, blushing, and Leo mirroring my action. Leo coughed and turned to look at me once again.

    "I'm trying to make some jewelry that can becomes weapon for an Aphrodite kid. I haven't really made jewelry like this before, but she told me I'd get paid really good",He said, the tip of his ears tinted red.

    I nodded and opened my mouth slightly to acknowledge that I understood and looked at Leo's attempt at making weapon jewelry. It looked like a headband with crystals forming as flowers. They were absolutely beautiful.

    "What does this do then?", I asked pointing at the headband. Leo looked at the headband and said, "The flower crystals on the headband can be detached and they act like ninja stars. See here," Leo said, detaching the flower crystals and throwing them at a dummy's head and the flower crystals stabbing the head. 'Good aim', I said approvingly. "The edges of the flower crystals are pretty sharp and they are pretty suited to kill monsters so I'm pretty confident that Aphrodite girl will like this." I stared at Leo puffing out his chest, looking proud. I smiled a bit and said, "I'm pretty sure they'll like it. Good job, Valdez."

    I turned around putting a jellybean in my mouth and decided maybe I should take a short nap. I was about ready to sleep when I realized that it's pretty quiet. I turned to look at Leo and saw that his face looked so red, it seemed as if blood was about to gush out. I got up instantly and cupped his face with my hands. "Are you okay? Are you sick? Your face is so red!", I said in a panic.

     Leo snapped out of his face and assured me he was fine. I looked unconvinced, but seeing that he was avoiding my gaze and looked like he was uncomfortable, I reluctantly released my hands from his face and went to sit back down to sleep.

Author's note:
    Lololol so it's been awhile since I last updated and I said I was gonna discontinue this book, but the thing is I kind of wanted to write something. I might write some more chapters if I feel like it, but it's been so many years and I'm not a major PJO/HOO fan anymore so I forgot a lot of things and I'm truly getting busy with school now since I'm actually in high school now. I'm also a MAJOR procrastinator and I prefer reading than writing. But y'know, we'll see how this thing goes. If you're reading this, thanks for reading!

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