the ons and offs of avengers

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Steve's name is Steven it just got shortened just letting you know

Tony walks up to Clint
Tony: hey want to hear something cool I just learned
Clint: sure
Tony: Clint-on
Clint looks at Tony confused
Tony smiling like a maniac
Tony: Clint-off
Clint immediately falls asleep
Nat: Tony what did you do
Tony: I'll show you
Before nat can react Tony says Roman-on Roman-off and she falls asleep Tony then goes to find Steve
Tony: hey Steve
Steve: oh no no Tony I saw what you did to the others
Steve immediately starts to run but it's too late
Tony: Steve on Steve off
Steve... you guessed it falls asleep
Lonny caboomy time skip a-Rooney
After waking up Steve Natasha and Clint sneak up and Tony and go
The shield three: Tony on Tony off...
Nothing happens
Clint: what!!?
Tony: laughs you see it isn't working because my name doesn't have in,en,on or off therefore I'm immuned
Natasha then proceeds to punch and kick Tony over and over until he promises to never do that again

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