do not read if you do not want to stay up all night questioning life

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At wane Manor Bruce's for once having a good night sleep when suddenly
Damian: father father father
Bruce: what is it Damian what's the problem
Damien: cereal is just cold breakfast soup
Bruce looks at his son confused
Damien: the word nun is just the letter n Doing a cartwheel, if you sweat while wearing a sweater does that make you a sweater, the word silent and the word listen are spelled with the exact same letters just rearranged, since a pontoon boat requires two people to operate then would it be called a friendship, The Lion King is basically Hamlet but with animals.
Bruce is now laying on his bed questioning life
Damien: guys it worked
Jason: told you
Alfred: what are you doing up at such an hour young masters?
All of them go: uuummmm
Alfred: tacocat is spelt the same fourwards and backwards
And alfred was the only one who got any sleep that night

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