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"You have the most interesting life."
I get that a lot.

I realize my life has always been unconventional and curious (and entertaining, for many), but it hasn't come without a cost.
Given the choice – would I have chosen a different purpose, an unrelated path for myself? Absolutely. But when you are called to do something, it's core is already intertwined with in your life – like roots to soil – and there really is no getting around it. One can except it and grow strong – or fight it and stagger as a stump.

I've experienced an abundance of darkness throughout my life, and have been through situations that stem from wild to purely horrifying. Some decisions I made and paths I took created many of those bleak days, but they also taught me a lot. I've experienced things most people will never see their entire lifetime. Sure, it all makes for great stories around the campfire or prayer meeting – but the enormity and severity continues, even after the narrative wraps up... and the scars remain.

I can tell people all day long about the things I've seen, sensed, felt, heard... But no one will truly grasp the depth of it all unless they've experienced similar encounters, themselves. I'm assuming I always geared towards those interested in the paranormal because they were a crowd who excepted and understood the reality and effects. I believe this is also why a profound compassion for those with mental illness exists in me, as well as a passion for breaking the stigma regarding mental health. I boldly state that spiritual issues (oppression) is what causes mental health breaks. It also is a major factor to numerous physical problems (including disorders, dreams, pain and certain sicknesses). I have seen it time and time again. The last 30 years of my work have, without a doubt, proven this to me.

Spirituality is a broad concept. It leaves much room for interpretation. Generally speaking, it merely is a term regarding an individual's belief in an attempt to connect to some non-physical power that's greater than themselves.

Religion, however, is a completely different concept. People frequently get the two confused. Religion is a specific set of organized beliefs created by man. Often it is man's way to attempt to reach a state of spirituality or worthiness to be spiritual. I commonly observe how people turn from their faith in God because they feel a religious person has done them wrong, or because they disagree with a church's beliefs. God is not religion, and religion is not spirituality.

With over 7 billion people in the world, there is an innumerable amount of opinions and thoughts on immortality, spirituality, God, death, religion, etc. We all draw conclusions, a philosophy or belief system based on our own individual ordeals, involvement and exposure. The key is to have adequate knowledge before forming an assertion. Know well those we weigh towards, and common sense would say choose those who have had personal experiences, study and research in that area.

The last couple of decades, a paranormal fascination stirred and grew; as of late, it's become more of a commonality sitting on the shelf. A random ghost story will pop up here and there, or an article about how the Vatican is upping the anti with exorcism classes. Annually, a bunch of horror flicks will rear their cinematic heads, usually coinciding with Halloween. We've all seen viral videos of surveillance footage with a possible spectral sighting or photographs with the mysterious "orb". For me, the supernatural is not a pastime or mere interest- it's been a lifestyle even before people knew what ghost hunters were. Prior to the psychic phone networks and paranormal television shows, I was living a life to which I struggled with that norm- a paranorm. An abnorm. I was a little girl who saw spirits and felt things I couldn't see, struggling to understand the encounters and hiding what I was experiencing. Was it a mental illness? Was I cursed? Possessed? Now, as an adult, I know the spiritual realm interacts with our physical realm. My work involves how these two fashion together and where they contrast. How we react and respond to these opposing g forces greatly dictates our life.

I'm the one people call when they feel they're dealing with a haunting, or a mental illness is in question as possibly a spiritual affliction. I'm contacted with questions about night terrors, demons, and peculiar sicknesses. I have been sought out to help law enforcement and families with criminal cases. No, I'm not a psychic or medium, but I have a sober and mature grasp on spiritual realities, and how they intertwine with the carnal world.

The trials and tribulations we go through are what our life is composed of, and what we do with that will be our life song.

As a child I was told what I couldn't do. As an adult I did what I thought I was supposed to do. Life always felt "off" for me. I could never get my grounding. I contended to fit in, even though I never felt I did. Why do we fight our own existence? I forever felt as if I was struggling in quicksand, fighting to stay level, much less get out. And the fighting of myself was my own demise. I even convinced myself that continual battle was normal and good as it gets. However, once I found truth in it all, I discovered so many things, like happiness, peace, strength, wisdom. I realized who I was and what I wasn't.  I became aware that I was created to do more than what people dictated. I was created to be who God made me to be. And just like that, in one moment, I began my journey to self discovery, faith, and purpose.

Before I knew God's Word and the unwritten protocols of spiritual elements, I worked as a professional psychic. I had a very difficult time taking money from people for that, as I felt money tainted something to be revered and hallowed. I never felt complete, or full, as if I was missing something. I read every book, watched every show, and was only led to more questions. It was like a fun house maze that never ended. It became tiresome and almost pointless. I truly felt I needed to do and be more- there was more... So I went a different way. I became a paranormal investigator. I had plenty of experience, seeing as I was encountering spirits before I even knew my ABC's.

Most paranormal investigators are just that- investigators: They consider, examine, scrutinize. Truth be told, after the rage ghost hunting became, many "investigators" are simply people fascinated by ghosts who have access to internet and funky equipment. They create a bunch of avenues to push the limits of what we can do in our physical world... But that's also paving pathways to things we're simply not supposed to do. I've always been a supernatural experiencer, and wanted to be a spiritual explorer, demonstrating the impossible- but we must except the limits set before us. Just as there are rules of engagement for war, there are definitive rules of engagement for spiritual expectation-
because it is a war; a war for our souls. There are fundamentals and decrees for our safety. Unfortunately, pride is what can break down that safety net. Faith is what breaks down the wall- but we choose what we put our faith in (and we do get what we ask for). I always warn people not to overestimate our mortality, nor underestimate the power of the spirit realm. Doing either can render us at great risk.

My work is to help people, not just gain knowledge. Kudos to those willing to branch out in this field, but where there is lack of truth, there is danger. Those who choose this avenue need to understand and except they have a role of great responsibility. The moment we dabble this area, it becomes not just about us, but also about others.

I want to find a way of turning all the tools God gave us in to mechanisms that help other people explore their spirit and soul. I want to learn more about myself, as well, and about the true spiritual realities that lie in front of us. I use the Word of God and the Spirit of God to explore spiritual realities and assist others in to truth. With 40+ years of experience in the field of the supernatural and a passion to help people, I have a tendency to end up in some very bizarre circumstances. My work is taking me to situations of demonic possession, miraculous healings, residential hauntings, and lawn enforcement crime labs. In these chapters are true stories of past cases, clients, and personal experiences. I call it "The Ghost Journals" because I went from investigating ghosts to the infilling of the Holy Ghost. I may not always know what I'm going to find, but I know what I'm always looking for: the truth. I won't settle without it.

The chapters you are about to read will shed some light on why I strongly hold the stance of our building the bridge from
physical to spiritual. Each chapter will entail an individual story from a case I was on, the lives of past clients and circumstances regarding why I was called in to help.

This will open a Pandora's box of ideals. In the very least, it will force you to reconsider what you know to be true, and manifest more than other curiosity, but a warranted alteration of reality.

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