Chapter 1: SEAL THE DEAL

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I remember Troy well. I still speak of him today. His sadness and despondency touched me deeply. His story was a tragic circumstance, but with a fighter's outcome.

A solemn and meek male voice called me one late afternoon. This man didn't necessarily seek help, but hope. Troy said right off the bat he didn't believe he could be helped... yet, something compelled him to keep looking. It was the desperation I heard which showed me someone who spoke of a blatant, unredeemed future, still had an ounce of faith. Often words aren't enough when hearing what someone is saying. I heard his pain and regret, but beyond that was despair. The faith he thought he removed was still in tact, just denied. Jesus Himself told us faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains... So we should be very cautious about what we put our faith in. If it's untruths, lies will lead us to mountains we think we cannot move. We either sit at the base and feel rejected and hopeless, or we attempt to scale them and create a rough path for ourselves. I want to move my mountains; make way for light, love, promise, a future... Troy put his faith in things he should not have, and that was why he sat at the bottom of a pit, looking up.

Unlike many others who heard me speak of hauntings and spiritual oppression on the radio, Troy found me after reading an article I wrote for an online paranormal forum. Where many glorified spirits and viewed the paranormal as a craft, I had written in contrast. I spoke of the dangers of the occult, and the cause and effect of our actions. I spoke in judgement only of the tasks, not the people. This stood out to Troy, enough for him to email me.

In the commentary he responded to, I was open (as I always am) regarding my thoughts in the area of the supernatural. Work in the paranormal field is much more dangerous than often expressed (or realized), which displays a tinge of ignorance and irresponsibility. I am guilty of this in my past, as well, and to this day hold guilt regarding that. I can only hope my work now in exposing the deceit, will in some way forgive and negate my mistakes. I believe those of us who have had spiritual experiences, have an obligation to share them. Not everyone realizes their footing in the other realm, or the other realm's significance in ours, so it's crucial for people who do know, talk about the practicalities of it. I also feel those of us who decide to work within the field of the supernatural, have a duty to give an earnest frame of reference, and are cautious with what information we relay. So when I explained that many people don't understand our actions in this life have consequences in the spirit realm, leaving many confused as to why they're being afflicted, it sparked something in Troy. He told me one specific comment I made is what ensued him to contact me... it was when I wrote:

"Our soul is not ours- it's God's. He bought us, for a price when He shed His blood and died on the cross for us. Whether we choose to accept that or not doesn't change His sovereignty over all spiritual entities. If one chooses not to accept the truth, don't bad-mouth Him when He doesn't answer you when you call. He isn't our magic genie, at our beckon call. However, His mercy is never-ending."

His initial email was general, asking common questions regarding ghosts, demons and my viewpoint. He then called me and we spoke a couple of times. The first time was brief, and that was when he shared with me what was taking place at his home. The second call was longer, as he opened up about why he felt he and his stepchildren were being terrorized by a demon. Troy's anger towards God and stewing hatred for life was playing tug of war with his soul, which once held a love. The other side was winning that battle, and he greatly experienced the effects of that lead. 

Growing up in an Indiana suburb, Troy was the only child of a Lutheran Pastor and his wife. The town was a little over 9,000 people, in which their congregation was about 150. He considered himself the classic P.K. ("Pastor's kid"), trying to live up to his father's expectations, while working hard to live down that reputation among his peers. Troy explained he struggled with his father's standards and glossed over best he could that typical youth wild streak. He said he felt quite close to both his parents, and really had no complaints about either of them, other than the fact they didn't have a lot of time for him. He always wished he had a sibling. His parents told him on numerous occasions, that in addition to his soul, they were already in charge of many other souls within their church walls, so that was enough. Troy shared with me how the respect he had for his father was high, from his beliefs to his convictions and living what he preached. Troy told me despite the fact he was a crack-up in Sunday school and poked fun of being a PK, deep down he actually hoped one day to be a reputable man of God like his father, and seriously considered following the footsteps of ministering to a church.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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