Chapter 5

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Kyran walked into his compound where he continued past the murmurs and gasps to the infirmary. He began triage in preparation for the surgery to repair the heinous wound on her stomach.

"Mikko," Ronan said. "What is she doing here?"

"Having surgery."

Ronan snapped at the rest of the pack to leave before he turned back to Kyran.

"Why would you risk the pack's safety for her?"

"If you aren't going to help, brother, then leave."

Kyran spared Ronan a glance before he put on a scrub gown. He went over to the sink while his brother settled for wearing a track in the tile floor. He finished scrubbing with the Betadine soap scrub brush before Ronan began repeating his actions.

"I'll help you, but I need to know why you risk our secrecy."

"It will have to wait for later."

Ronan grunted his understanding, and they both settled in for saving the Hunter's life.

Due to their elevated healing capabilities, Lycans usually didn't require surgery, but when it was necessary, it was good to have someone capable on hand to handle the wounded. As they neared the end of the three hour surgery, Kyran explained how he found her.

After highlighting the details of Shayla's betrayal to both her brother and ultimately the pack, he explained the reason for his risk.

"You know as well as I do that she won't tell us anything, Kyran."

"She will, because I will give her no choice."

"What are you going to threaten her with? Her life? She will laugh you right out of this cave."

"I'm not dense enough to believe that she would give me anything based on a threat. I'm going to offer her something else."

"I can think of a lot of things I would do for intel on the Hunters, but sheathing myself inside their females isn't one of them."

"You're thinking with the wrong head."

Kyran explained that his plan was to try and integrate the newest Hunter into the process of fulfilling the prophecy. With the Hunter he'd been working with missing, he figured the more Hunters he "came to an accord" with the better chance he had at ending the war. Ronan didn't have much comment on his plan—only pointing out that unless she was a top-rated Hunter, she wouldn't be of much use to them. Hunters didn't give too much thought to their weaker members. They thought even less about their low-ranked females.

He cursed under his breath as he went about cleaning up the dirtied medical equipment. Part of him hoped she was top-ranked, but he also knew from the limited exchanges with his missing Hunter that if she was a truly top-ranked female, the Hunters wouldn't tolerate her absence long.

He removed the female Hunter's earrings, which doubled as a locator. The Hunter he'd been working with had given him as little information as possible, but that was what happened when building trust between two warring factions. While it wasn't much, knowing that all Hunters came equipped with a final way of alerting their headquarters to their location helped Kyran keep his pack relatively safe from discovery.

Ronan came to stand opposite of him and stared down at the sedated Hunter. His brother seemed to take notice of the many scars that decorated the Hunter's arms and torso as he traced his hand down her left arm to secure it in the restraints. He leaned over her and repeated the motion on her other arm. Kyran watched while his fingers threatened to break the small hoop he had taken from the Hunter's ear.

The Lycan HunterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin