Chapter 7

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Alexis watched as the two Lycans that had been in the room with her earlier returned. The one with the more effeminate features was laughing about something, but when he turned his gaze on her, his eyes showed a ghost of menace.

"Goody, my rescuers are here. Is it time for me to go home yet?" She made sure to let the sarcasm leak into her words.

"I told you earlier that I was moving you to your room. I meant what I said, Hunter."

Alexis rolled her eyes. "Either you have a terrible memory, wolf, or you don't care that that isn't my name."

"I remember what your name is, but you'll always be Hunter to me," the one who'd done the sonogram said with a smile that dripped with his earlier sarcasm.

She muttered under her breath about the things that she would do to him if only her hands were free. Unfortunately, she missed the instructions that the wolf directed to the other one. Her attention refocused when the prettier of the two came into her field of vision with a large needle.

"What the hell is that for?"

The asshole who couldn't be bothered to say her name laughed at her. "You should pay attention when people are talking instead of making idle threats."

"No threat I make is idle."

"If you say so, but you'll be too loopy to wring your hands around my pretty little neck."

"I didn't say pretty, jerk."

Both of the wolves laughed. The one with the needle approached her and stood at her side while the jerk stood at the foot of her slightly inclined bed. He wasn't looking at her again, which chafed for some unknown reason.

"Be still. It won't hurt long. Go ahead, brother."

At least he didn't lie to me, she thought.

Medical professionals seemed to learn the awful habit of saying something didn't hurt before they jabbed you with something sharp. She liked to return the favor, which was why she wasn't allowed to have her blades when she went to the clinic at headquarters.

"Wait..." Alexis looked over to the one with the needle and waited until he met her gaze. "What's your name?"

The wolf at the foot of the bed shook his head. "Don't."

"It's Ronan." Ronan swiftly turned to face his brother and held his hands up in a defensive pose. "And before you get pissed off because I disobeyed a direct order, Mikko, let me tell you why."

The jerk, who was this pack's unfortunate leader, motioned him to continue.

"I would rather she call me by name, because I can't promise that she won't suffer from a sudden case of asphyxiation if she calls me wolf again. We both know how you feel about me not keeping my hands to myself."

The Mikko growled low in his throat but nodded his concession.

Ronan turned his attention back to Alexis and gave her a tight smile. "Hold still."

"One more thing."

Ronan let out an irritated sigh. "What now?"

"First, my name is Alexis, and second, what's his name?"

"That's two things. And his name is his own to tell you. I like my head where it's at, and frankly, you, Hunter, aren't worth me losing it."

The Mikko snorted and motioned for Ronan to give her the shot.

"Be quiet so that we can get this over with. I have a movie to watch, and you are cutting into my popcorn making time."

Ronan stuck her, injected the pain medicine, and disposed of the needle with a lethal swiftness. He watched her for a moment before he started to loosen the restraints on her arms. Alexis would have rejoiced at the freedom, but her arms wouldn't obey her, and her consciousness was fading.

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