2. Suspicious

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"Manik... Manik... " I heard a voice calling my name. I also felt constant poking on my arm. But it's a male voice, where is she!!? I fluttered my eye lashes only to realise that the person was none other than Cabir.

"Cabir!!" I was gazing at him bewilderingly. I blinked multiple times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

"Cabir tu? Yaha... kya kar raha hai?" Where's she gone?" I spoke perplexed, still not being aware where I was.

Cabir, who had a worried look a few minutes ago, turned puzzled. "What are you talking about, Manik? Are you alright?" It took me a couple of minutes to get my senses back and realise that all along I had been just dreaming. Cabir was still waiting for my reply. I was avoiding his gaze to escape the interrogation. Indirectly my gestures gave away the whole scenario. Within no time he guessed the person whom I was referring to earlier. For a long time, he had been a mute spectator on this matter. His patience had worn out and now he wanted to give me a reality check. With a serious tone, he tried to knock some sense into me.

"Seriously!! How long are you going to remain negligent on this matter? I have had enough of your stubbornness and stupidity. I was a fool to believe that at least this time you will act with a sane mind. But No. When are you going to understand the gravity of the situation, Manik?" I had nothing to say. I didn't want to speak about her or anything related to her for the time being. My silence irked him to extremes. "You know what, do whatever you want to." he huffed. He had always been concerned about me and he, being worried for me, especially for us was cent percent valid.

There was an awkward silence after our heated discussion. Cabir had engrossed himself in his phone facing the other side. I didn't know how to break the ice. Suddenly it struck me that Abhi was missing from the scene since the time I woke up. I was searching for him, wishing his presence would lighten up the situation. "Abhi!!" I shouted, sighing in relief once I spotted him. Cabir too turned towards him.

"Where were you, bro?" I asked him diverting Cabir's attention towards him. If I am not wrong then I kind of felt a silent conversation ongoing between them. It was pretty evident that something was surely cooking in their wicked mind. I was curious to know but they were smart enough to dodge the topic. Great! I was the one trying to distract Cabir from our earlier conversation. But no, looks like Cabir and Abhi had already teamed up against me.

"Actually Manik I was bored, you see. Such a long journey it is. Was just wondering how to kill time. That's when I remembered YOU. In order to compensate for all the hardships we were put into to get you on board with our plan, you ought to give in to our 'innocent requests'. You know as in to ENTERTAIN us!!"

I regretted the very second I tried to divert Cabir's attention. The awkward silence before, felt so much better than this absurd conversation. Now I'm damn sure that I would be bound to agree to all of their crazy ideas. I was horrified would be an understatement because these idiots had a great history in innovating new ways to torture me.

"It's been so long that you have been targeted. I can't miss such an opportunity now, can I? It has to be a well-planned sketch to trap you. In the end, we all will be satisfied" Abhi smirked looking at my condition.

"I second you Abhi. But for the time being let us spare him. We have all the time we need." I was somewhere thankful to him for at least delaying my torture. However, my instincts were indicating me towards a bigger picture. In order to pull myself from the haunting thoughts, I occupied myself with a movie while Cabir and Abhi were again back to their mute talking.

I was so preoccupied in the movie that I failed to realise when we reached our holiday destination. Once we landed, we headed to collect our luggage. Yet again, I couldn't spot Cabir or Abhi in the vicinity. What is it with them disappearing like this? Where the hell were they? I was hopping like a frog, swaying my head alternatively left and right, front and back in search of these two idiots. For instance, my mind was occupied with all sorts of weird situations these idiots could get themselves into. Frankly speaking, my mind had already gone on a toss and I could get no rational thoughts related to them. It's already been quite long and I'd lost my patience beyond limits. I was about to go in search of them. Just then I found Cabir casually walking towards me whistling carelessly all the way long. I stared at him demanding an answer as to where he was this long.

"What? Why are you staring at me? Now don't tell me that I need your permission to even go to a restroom."

"Seriously! Cabir. If you think that you can easily fool me then you are highly mistaken. When the restroom is right in front of you and it's not even occupied then why did you come from the other way? If I'm not wrong then you were speaking with someone out there, weren't you?"

"Why are you being a detective, Manik? Come on, can't I have some quality time of my own? I was exploring." He nagged like a kid. Even though I didn't feel like buying his lame excuses, just for now I let him be.

"Just clarify one thing to me, what is Abhi up to that he goes missing every now and then."

"I've no clue... Maybe he is missing Mukti. Poor fellow had to go through so much to convince Mukti for this trip." He spoke winking at me. Obviously something is fishy. Cabir was a born actor and I couldn't understand whether to believe him or not especially in the present scenario.

"You know what I've had enough of you both already. You both are just unbelievable. I wonder how Navya and Mukti handle you both."

"In a way, similar to Na..." Cabir stopped in between realising what blunder he made.

I certainly have no clue how she could have always been so calm while dealing with me. I knew whatever it might be she will always be there for me. But this time I guess somewhere my behaviour had provided her ample reason to give up on me. It's just that now she is not by my side, I have realised how foolish I had been to let her go. In fact, I was the one to push her away. I have started to realise how I take everyone for granted.

By the time, Cabir and I had one more tiff on this matter, Abhi arrived having his ever so famous mysterious look, clearly indicating towards the upcoming troubles. "Guys! Let's get going. Our ride's here. Time for some fun." The ride from the aerodrome to our resort was a quiet one with mere conversations while I was on my phone catching on recent updates from the office.

Facing the breathtaking picturesque view, the resort was very inviting. Sweet murmuring of waves with a pristine scene of the beach brought in a serene feeling, settling all my chaotic thoughts at least for a moment. All that was missing was her presence by my side. She had been in my downs all the time without me asking for it and I wanted her here right at this very moment.

"Peaceful, isn't it?" Abhi was right beside me admiring the view in front. I nodded in assertion, passing on a big smile

"Guys!! Any plans to get inside or thinking about camping here the whole trip? Come fast I'm famished. Let's get something to eat before I perish." Cabir chidded sprawled on a couch. Abhi sighed in disbelief at our over dramatic friend and headed to make arrangements.

After a small brunch in the living room, I strode towards the room assigned for me with my luggage. I badly needed a hot shower to get over the tiredness. I was unpacking my luggage when I heard a strange noise from the other end of the room. Fully attentive, I followed the noise only to realise that someone was in my bathroom. Confused, I thought to intimate my friends about the probable intruder in my room. I was just hoping that it was not one of their pathetic tricks. Completely clueless, I was trying to come up with any move to handle the situation, when I heard the door to the bathroom clicked open. I saw a female figure stepping out of the bathroom, freshly showered with a bathrobe on. I stood utterly still unable to comprehend the reality, when she turned towards my direction. 

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