A battle on the shores

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The darkness was frightening. It was unnatural. It was cold. "Where is here? Where is this place?" Questioned Goldmoon.

"This is a plain of existence where I rule" replied the voice. A voice of evil. "A bridge between your world and mine" 

"Where are you?" Asked Goldmoon with clear curiosity.

"I am here" exclaimed the voice. Goldmoon looked down at his paws which were a dark grey. The voice gave a maniacal chuckle "I've always been here"

"Where do I find this place?" Pleaded Goldmoon

"Why?" The voice echoed

"So I can destroy it!" Yelled the wolf

"You wish to destroy thought?"


"But you said you wish to destroy here. And here is your mind."

"Then who are you?"

"I am the overlord!"


The darkness disappeared as Goldmoon opened his eyes to the usual interior of the treehouse. Andesite was waiting at the bottom. "Took you long enough" he said when Gold had reached the bottom of the ladder. "So, any plans?"

"No, not really, you?"

"Not today, no"

Aries landed in front of the two. "Good to see you. Your needed at leviathan coast. Also, be careful. We're due a storm".

Gold had headed down to the coast with Andesite. The great flaretail was biting at nearby imperial order dragon hunters and platinumcoat was using his electro bow to fight off one of Gamma's generals. Rain began to fall and heavy winds blew sand around the coast. "So, you finally decided to fight" remarked the general "death is your only option" the cloaked figure sliced at platinumcoat, stunning him, and ran towards Goldmoon. "Today I return the favour. I return imprisonment to you. I bring you to the prisons of death!"

The general sliced at the wolves, red lightblades in hands. Goldmoon blocked the attack while Andesite parried it. With two blades, the general was able to continue attacking gold while holding of the stone grey wolves' attack. Both wolves were suddenly pulled into the air, levitating a foot above the sand. They were suspended by invisible hands. The general could use telekinesis to move objects. "You will both remember the day you came to die".

Gold had returned back into the cold darkness. The presence of the overlord was still lingering. "Uh, aren't I supposed to be dead?"

"Death is for the weak, wolf" exclaimed the overlord to Goldmoon's statement. "Together, we are immortal. We can wander for eons, see the powerless die, hear the collisions of celestial bodies, smell the ever changing world around us as every fresh scent becomes decay, feel the souls of others course through our veins! We are ETERNAL!"

"and your delusional" muttered gold

"FOOL!" Bellowed Darkmoon

"It's weird that I'm theoretically talking to myself"

"Just leave already"

Gold woke in the forceful, telekinetic grip of the general before releasing a pulse of purple flame followed by a hard-to-see, translucent black trail. The general was knocked off of his feet and onto the sand. The wolves pounced but he evaded the attack by rolling out of the way. The great flaretail ran towards him but he sliced at the jaw, startling the creature (who just avoided splitting it's jaw open). The creature decided to spit a large ball of fire, about a foot in diameter. The flames licked the generals masked face, wielding some of the metal to his flesh. He moaned in agony before standing up and chuckling. "That was merely a scratch" he said before gold plunged his sword right through his chest.

"How sad, he died" remarked platinumcoat sarcastically.

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