Trouble (Part 2)

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Denia POV
(*Walks around to front entrance of school*)
Erisha: Ohh shittt! !! Mica and Keno brawling
Tammie: *gasps* What the fuck is going now
Sammie: Oh hell nahh
Mica POV
Mica: Man i told yo ass yo.mouth was gone get you fucked up!!!*keeps socking Keno*
(Keno on the floor knocked Out)
Roman: bruh Get off of him now! !
Mica: Mann fuck this nigga!!
Roman: *Pulls out gun* Get off of him Mica now!!
Mica:* backs up* bro iight damn
Roman: *Points gun at Keno crew* Now any of you mofos feel froggy?? Cuz this gun right here ain't no fucking joke
Keno crew member #1: Nahh cuz we don't have no problem,  cmon yall let's go
*Keno crew leaves*
Roman: Man what the fuck I tell you about spazzing out ???
Mica: Nahh man he shouldve not said shit about Denia that's foul asf
Roman: Man what the fuck is up with you and this girl, ain't she only been here for a good week?
Mica: Man i like her alot alright,  even though I don't know her that good I still think she don't deserve to be dogged out by people
Roman: Mann iight
(Denia Walks up)
Denia: You okay Mica? ??
Mica: Yeah I'm str8, oh umm this my bro Roman
Denia: Hi Roman*waves*
Roman: Sup shawty*looks up and down*
Mica: *side eyes Roman* umm bro don't you have something to do??
Roman: *still staring at Denia* Mmm..Oh yeah I do gotta jet
Mica: Then go nigga?
Roman: Man i see yo trippy ass later*walks to car*
Denia POV
Damnn why his bro gotta be so fine too*bites my lip some* Ughh cmon Denia snap outta it you not like those others.....

Mica: Aye you iight??
Denia: Huh? Ohh yeaah I'm iight
Mica: You sure? You seem to be kinda day dreaming? 
Denia: Yes Mica I'm okay, why you always getting into fights with people
Mica: *sighs* I got a rep I gotta protect Denia it's a hard thing to explain to you
Denia: Man, ain't nothing hard to acting like I won't get it or something
Mica: it's not that De...its just my family kinda known as big deal around bro Roman is the only father figure i got right now....ever since my  dad died....*clutches fist some*
Denia: I'm so sorry to hear that.....*gives hug*
Mica: Mann I don't  need no sympathy....I gotta go*walks off*

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