The Beginning of the End

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We were born after the rapture, before the signs of the end started happening. The others would tell us stories about people who were in shock seeing a loved one or stranger just vanish before their eyes.
I was conceived within that year, my mother was only fifteen when they attacked her.
She ran away when I was three and she was about to give birth to my sister.
The men and other women within the home started showing interest in me, my mother feared for my safety.
Not to mention what they would have done to my sister.
We ran during the night, the most dangerous time to be outside.
Most who go outside into the night vanish and are never heard from again.
But Mother wasn't afraid, she said "HE" told her it was time to move and that HE had a place for us.
I was three and everything my mother said was fact.
I believed that what ever was written in her old tattered bible was some sort of journal.
Now don't get wrong, I still believe in those things and would still do everything she said but its just Lilly and myself now.
Mother was separated from us during our second travel.
She had a vision it was going to happen on Lilly's eighth birthday.
We lived with a group of people who were also believers in the word and would be killed for it if they lived within the city.
We are always hiding from the soul hunters.
One night during our move to another camp we were attacked from within.
Jonas and his brother Jax grabbed Lilly and I, they kept us safe.
That was the last we saw of mother and a few of the others.
Than without warning, the day became pitch black, all we could hear were screaming and crying.
Jonas and Jax laid on top of us keeping us safe as they held onto us as tight as possible.
They kept hushing us and praying till night came.
We sat in the moon light just breathing and trying to grasp what happened.
A few were still with us but many were gone.
Than it happened the moon changed, as if the blood of all the souls throughout time was poured on it.
Those still with us began to panic and cry.
Thats when the creatures one would never want to see emerged.
Some came from the ground, others the caves and some appeared out of the shadows.
Jax and Jonas picked us up and ran as far away from those creatures as they could.
Those who did not follow could be heard screaming and there were other sounds I'd rather forget.
We found an abandoned cabin, by the time we found the place it was just the four of us.
They sat us in the middle of the room and wrapped us in the quilt they found on a couch.
"Are we safe here?" Jax asked his brother as he tried to keep us calm and warm.
Jonas was anointing the door with oil and saying a prayer as he continued anointing all the windows and doors.
Once he felt the cabin was secured he knelt infront of us and anointed our heads with oil and prayed over us.
"Jonas, HE left us, HE lifted HIS spirit out of the earth, this isn't..." Jax was cut off by Jonas.
"Do not speak so foolish little brother.
If that were true why were we just spared from the hord of demons that manifested out there?
If what you said was true than why did we just found the home of a Holy warrior, look around, the one who fought for our Lord lived here.
Do not be so naive little brother." Jonas chuckled.
"Are we safe here?
W~What were those things?
Where's mother?" I asked half in tears as I held onto my little sister who was crying into my chest.
"Nim look at me.
Yes we are safe, HE is still protecting us.
Those were demons from Hell, they are now allowed to tournament those on earth, but they are not to touch HIS children.
We are HIS children, we still seek HIM tho others say HE has left us now.
As for your mother I cannot say.
We were betrayed by those men and the results were the loss of many.
We will protect you children now and we will press on to the Holy land." Jonas assured us.
They are both no older than sixteen and eighteen.
Both would be athletes if that were still a thing.
This cabin turned out to be our home for quite some time.
The brothers would teach us what they knew and what they didn't we found in the elegant library.
"Come on Nim you need to learn to defend yourself." Jax whined after my tantrum.
Its funny in away we were both acting like two years olds.
Jonas sat with Lilly combing her hair while she read a book from the bible out loud.
"I better go step in before they kill each other." Jonas chuckled as he finished off her braid.
"Okay Jax go teach Lilly I'll handle Nimbly." Jonas said as he pulled Jax away.
We trained pass lunch time by than I was almost as skilled as them not to mention exhausted.
"Dad would have loved him." Jax chuckled.
'What was your dad like?" Lilly asked as she shovled in a mouthful of soup.
"He was a warrior, he tought us everything we know.
He knew this day would come.
We never listened.
When the rapture came, we were left behind, while he and mom just vanished before our eyes.
I know sounds funny that a five year old would be left behind but I knew right for wrong at that age and bigger shocker saint Jonas over there was the big reason we got left behind, he questioned everything our parents said.
Made me question as well, I think he is more adamant about the bible now is because he blames himself." Jax explained to us.
After our meal we went outside for fresh air.
The sun is only out now for about an hour, during that hour its safe to be outside.
Its colder these past few days, plants are dying off, even animals.
"Jax will there be sun in the Holy city?" Lilly asked.
"That place is a myth." A voice said from the shadows.
Out stepped more boys and girls not much older than the brothers.
"Get them back to the cabin." Jonas urged.
"No one is going anywhere." A boy stepped in front of us and aimed a rifle on Jax chest.
"J~Jonas." Jax stuttered.
The look on Jonas' face was a look I never want to see, it was pure terror.
"Look we don't want trouble, its going to be dark soon.
I don't know about you but I don't want to be out here when the demons roam." Jonas said trying to convince them to calm down.
"Roland put the gun down.
Lead us to your home." The older boy said shoving Jonas forward.
He looked down at me and grabbed hold of me.
"Just in case you try to be a hero." The guy chuckled.
The girls giggled at their friend like he was some cool guy.
A few other boys younger than them came out from behind the trees and followed.
"There's food in the kitchen, help yourselves." Jonas said as we walked inside.
"Sarah go make some stew for everyone.
We don't plan to be ungrateful guests.
Names Jerry.
You'll get to know the rest eventually.
We got separated from our group on the night of the blood moon.
We eventually gathered others from different camps.
What camp were you?" Jerry asked.
"Holy Army." Lilly announced before we could stop her.
See even those in other camps were considered rouges and they too didn't like us.
"Relax, our parents might have been rouges but right now none of that matters." Jerry assured us.
Jonas excused himself to do his usual routine.
Every night he anointed every door and window in the cabin and then us as well.
"What's he doing?" The youngest of the boys asked me.
"Making sure we are protected." I responded simply to the seven year old I later found out his name is Rue.
He along with his siblings seemed to be like us.
After supper we went up to bed, most of them slept in the living room, while others went into the other bedrooms.
I woke from a nightmare screaming and thrashing.
It took Jerry and Jonas to hold me down and calm me.
"Okay shows over, everyone back to bed." Jerry said chasing everyone out including Lilly.
He returned and sat on the end of my bed while I told them what happened.
"It felt so real.
They burst into the cabin, the door splintered like it was made of straw.
They attacked everyone without mercy, dragging them out by their hair or legs, it was total chaos.
We were tossed in some wagon like cage pulled by these demon like horses.
Oh the men attacking us looked like men, very large perfect looking men." I explained.
Jerry had a look as if he too seen something like that himself.
"What happened next?" Jonas asked.
"We arrived at this castle like mansion, like somethimg out of that dracula book we found once when we stayed in that school.
There were creatures that watched us arrive.
They were hiddieus looking things.
They taunted us.
Kids in another wagon were pulled out and tossed to them.
They attacked them like starving animals.
The guard called those kids the lost souls.
But we were the chosen ones and we had a different plan.
When he tried to take Lilly with the girls thats when I freaked out." I told them.
By now Jerry was pale like he was going to die, thats how pale he got.
"Are you okay?" Jonas asked Jerry.
Oh yeah I...
I need a glass of water." Jerry said as he attempted to get up but instead he collapsed to the floor.
"I'm fine!" Jerry pushed Jonas away.
"No your not!
Now what's wrong!?" Jonas snapped at him.
"That place the kid described.
I saw it.
Heck we all saw it, that use to be home for us.
But on the night of the blood moon those things took over.
They did just as the kid said, fed others to those imps.
A few of us were on a hunt when it happened.
When we returned our home was no more.
We left with the clothes on our backs, as we went from place to place seeking refuge we picked up more strays, those kids just happened to get separated from their families as well." Jerry explained.
"But why did I see that?" I asked in half tears as I sat next to Jerry who put his arm around me.
"Who knows?
Maybe its a warning.
One of those kids we picked up gets them." Jerry sighed.
"Thought you didn't believe?" Jonas half teased.
"I never said I believe and I never said I didn't, I only said that the Holy City was a myth." Jerry countered.
Suddenly Jax burst through the door.
"Jonas one of the alarms were triggered." Jax said out of breath.
We all made our way to the cellar, were there was a door that led into an old dugout that led to a bunker.
After we got here, on the second day we accidentally found the hidden door.
The bunker is stocked with everything one would need to survive.
"Well this was unexpected." Jill chuckled as we all made our way through the small hall.
Once inside the bunker Jonas sealed it shut.
Nik one of the other kids found a computer room.
He figured out how it worked and turned out the place was wired with all kinds of technology.
Those who broke into the cabin looked like the guys from my dream.
"You know the guy who built this place never planned to go back to the cabin.
Watch this..." Nik said.
With a press of a button the library room sealed up like a drum.
It moved down to us like an elevator into a vacant space, we always wondered what that space was for.
Than with another press of a button the tunnel was sealed shut.
Those inside the cabin became uneasy with all the noise and started searching for us.
With a final press of a button, the cabin and those inside were leveled.
"Are they?..." I started and Raven finished for me.
I doubt it.
Their demons.
Demons don't die but they will be wandering the desert for some time." Raven chuckled.
"So now what?
Our only exit is blocked.
And from the readings on that screen what ever was used is toxic so we can't even go out there." Bash pointed out.
But look at this.
Did you guys check out the garden space?" Simon asked.
"A garden!?" Lilly squealed in joy.
"Yeah its got all the plant life to produce the oxygen we need plus the vegetation.
In fact guys there's a farm down here.
I don't know how they are surviving without anyone caring for them.
Its like this place is self sustaining or something." Nik said as he pulled up another screen that veiwed the farm animals.
"Wait what's that?" Jerry pointed out three figures caring for the animals.
Nik pressed a button and they were gone.
"Must have been old footage." Nik shrugged.
Jerry and Jonas looked at him in disbelief and headed to the room with Nik and I in town.
"I'm sure its nothing." Nik kept saying as we walked to the room.
To our surprise a guy stood there with a wheel barrel.
"Sorry Gabe." Nik mumbled behind us.
This Gabe guy chuckled.
"Its fine Nikola.
Go finish your work.
As for you boys come sit." Gabe ushered.
I glance at a barn door and it was a view outside, it was crisp and clear.
I tugged on Jerry's sleeve he kept shoving off my hand.
"Kid stop..." Jerry paused once he saw what I saw.
"Explain this." Jerry said as he walked to the door.
"Beautiful isn't it?
The way it was always intended.
Before you enter the garden there are some rules, Jerry Stone." Gabe smirked at Jerry's surprise.
"How did you know my name?" Jerry asked.
"I know all of you, HE told me all I need to know to care for the chosen.
Now as for the garden, your allowed to enter but you must never for any reason enter the woods.
Unless I am with you and when its time to move on.
Secondly we are connected to the heavenly realm so you never know who might choose to visit so be respectful.
Now tomorrow we will discuss your chores and training.
Oh Teacher your students have arrived." Gabe said to the new guy that just showed up out of nowhere...

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