Rescue Party

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I was surprised Jonas would bring me with on this rescue party.
I am literally tied to Jax, all Jack's idea, we were not to pleased with it but whatever.
Jerry is leading the way while Davis takes the rear.
"This doesn't feel right." I heard Cole whisper to his three brothers.
Justin their eldest brother agreed.
Apparently they all still distrust Jerry and lets not forget about Davis, apparently he too was an old fow that changed along the way or maybe he didn't.
I'm only guessing from what I over hear from them.
We're resting by a stream so I figured I'd take this time to write.
Murphy seems to click with them but yet I swear he returns to his friends to tell them what he got info wise.
So I thought I'd be more like a spy and sit closer and listen.
"Something isn't right.
From what Davis told me we are heading for a trap.
Sure he didn't out right say it but he implied it and Jerry keeps looking at something as he leads us." I heard Murphy say.
I looked over at Jerry and saw he was indeed looking at a tattered book.
"How much do you know about these guys?" I finally asked.
"A lot, we know that Jerry along with Davis were the enemy.
Also Justin got turned once by one of them.
Sure they act like they changed but from what I heard this wouldn't be the first time." Murphy explained to us.
We didn't realize Davis was close enough to hear us, he went to Jerry and whispered something to him.
It was just Murphy, Bellamy and I sitting away from the rest of the group.
You know to be honest we didn't take into consideration we were vulnerable at that moment until we were grabbed from behind and drugged deeper into the woods with our mouths cover so no one could hear our cries for help.
"Why do you kids have to be so observant?" Jerry snapped as they tossed the three boys into an abandoned cabin.
"Why are you so obvious?" Murphy countered as he pulled Nim back trying to protect him incase Jerry or one of the other two did something.
"I'm curious Murphy, you act like your on their side when it suits you but as soon as they seemed licked you switched alliance.
So tell me when it really boils down to Bellamy being killed would you save try and save him or be the coward like you are and stand back and watch us torture him?" Jerry inquired as he got close down to their level with a dagger in hand and inches from Bellamy's throat.
Murphy's eyes grew wide as he silently sat there weighing his options.
"Hard choice isn't it?" Jerry smirked.
His deep green soul piercing eyes grew darker.
"I will make it easier." Jerry chuckled.
Jerry made like he was going to slash Bellamy's throat.
Murphy and Nim both screamed "No!" They both went to pull Bellamy out of the way but were not quick enough, luckily it was just a cut on his face that Bellamy received.
"Surprisingly you tried to save him.
I assume you grew to respect him after all." Jerry chuckled just before slamming his fist into Murphy's face.
"Try and be a hero again and you'll get a much worse punishment." Jerry yelled.
Davis and the other two guys stood there with smirks on their faces.
"So what now?
We can't bring them back to the group they'll give us away." Davis grumbled.
"That's why they are staying with us." Two men entered the cabin with two boys struggling to get away.
"Next time check you surroundings son.
You had spies." Jones chuckled as he pulled Raven's hair snapping his head back to look at him.
"Don't even think your escaping again boy.
You two head back before they start getting curious.
We will see you af home soon my boys." Jones assured Jerry who looked back at Nim with an apologetic look.
Nim noticed and wandered maybe Jerry isn't bad after all.
As the two made their way back to the group Davis snapped and slammed Jerry onto a tree.
"What was that back there little brother?" Davis yelled.
Jerry dropped his gaze and looked to the ground.
"Like we had a choice.
You knew this would happen.
At least we know where they are and we will get them back." Jerry explained.
"Your crazy if you think its going to work again, your wrong.
We got lucky when we rescued Raven and Mas last time but now he will be watching those two closer and we just handed off three boys that are ment to tear down Jones's world.
How do you expect to explain to them what just happened?" Davis snapped.
"We know nothing, stick with the usual plan and pray this will work.
We needed them inside for this to work.
Raven and Mas knew the risk.
I just pray those three are as strong as they were in training." Jerry sighed.
Davis reluctantly shoved off his brother.
"Give me the map, I'm taking point." Davis ordered.
Once back with the others they were already aware of the missing boys.
"We have to find them!" Jonas demanded.
"We will.
I bet everything that we are headed to the very place they are at." Justin said as he glared at Jerry who wouldn't meet his gaze.
Davis took lead as they continued walking.
Justin slowed his walk to meet up with Jerry who was lagging behind.
Justin grabbed the back of Jerry's neck slowing him so they could be alone, once out of view Justin slammed Jerry into a cliff wall.
"Where are they!?
What's the plan Jerry!?
Give your dad what he always wanted, more souls he knows can win this war!?" Justin yelled as he rammed his fist into Jerry's gut knocking the wind out of him.
"This was Raven's plan, we needed them inside so we can escape.
You yourself know everything here is not always what it seems.
Archer went missing a month ago, a body double was put in his place by the enemy." Jerry explained.
"Wait that means..." Justin realized everyone at the sanctuary was most likely in danger.
"Gabriel knows, he came to us last night.
He told us the four we'd need to get inside, Nim was an accident, he wasn't supposed to be there too but we couldn't leave him behind he would have ratted us out.
Trust me Justin this isn't my plan." Jerry tried to explain.
"Don't even say this was God's plan, because I know he wouldn't put innocent kids into the enimies hand." Justin countered.
"News flash Justin, we are warriors, we all have a part to play here.
Even the innocent kids." Jerry smirked.
Justin sighed and rolled his eyes mumbling something under his breath.
"What was that?" Jerry smirked.
"Don't get all smug because I agreed this time with you.
Let's go." Justin pulled and shoved Jerry back onto the path.
By the time they caught up to their group they stood just beyond a camp.
"Maybe we should have stayed at the tree." Jerry whispered as they were surrounded.
"What brings your kind to my camp?" A man much taller and muscular said as he approached.
"Done standing at your side brother." Jax said as he stepped behind Jonas trying to get some distance from the man.
"We are looking for our friends.
We didn't mean to trespass." Jack said as he and Mitchell got in front of the boys.
The man stared down at them as he thought on what to do with his new unexpected guests.
"I'm afraid what is done is done.
Dos have them bound and taken to the cells.
Do be gentle they haven't caused any harm so don't harm them, yet." The man ordered.
Without hesitation each boy was grabbed from behind while another bound their wrists.
"Wait please you don't understand..." Davis started to plead with him.
"Trust me warrior I understand more than you think.
By the way names Griffin, you know of Tyson I am sure and the rumors about myself and Dos are true." Griff smirked as he ruffled Davis's hair.
"I have to find Nim." Jonas blurted as he struggled.
"Quit struggling boy.
I have a strong feeling you will see him again soon enough." Dos chuckled as he pulled Jonas away.
"Wait what's the boy's name?" Griff asked.
"Nim." Jonas said.
"Not Mary's Nim?" Griffin gripped hold of Jonas's shoulders.
"Yes, I~I don't know if its the same Mary you know." Jonas said.
"There's only one Nim in the world boy.
Tell me what happened to the child?" Griffin half demands yet remained calm.
"That's the thing, he along with four other boys were taken and we never saw by whom." Jax said.
Jerry looked to Davis who gave him a look to keep his mouth shut.
Even Justin had the same look.
"Your the brother of the two boys that are missing." Griffin said to Justin who looked frightened and concerned about the fact this man knew him.
Justin narrowed his eyes at Griffin.
"How did you know?" Justin asked.
"I might have turned my back on HIM but in time I learned who the true leader is.
I was once one of HIS servants a recorder of time.
HE still tells us what we need to know when we need to know it.
Trust me boy that doesn't make us allies but I can make a one time compromise.
But when we part ways after rescuing them, if I see you again especially on my land you will be my prisoners." Griffin smirked.
Something in the pit of Jonas's stomach told him this man had a secret agenda.
"Could you give us a moment to discuss how to handle this?" Jack inquired, he to felt something was wrong.
Griffin gave a nod and his men untied them.
"Your seriously not going to except his help are you?" Octavia said as they walk off Griffin's boundaries.
The look of disappointment Griffin had assured Jack they were safe as long as they were not within their boundaries.
"I have a feeling they can't do much as long as we are out here.
Now as for agreeing to have their help that's still debatable.
I need more information on this Tyson he spoke of.
Who knows him?" Jack asked as he looked over his group.
"I do." Cole spoke up.
"Go on than tell me." Jack urged.
"Well like Griffin said they were recorders of time.
Griffin more or less kidnapped Tyson, making him a permanent resident of earth, he abused Ty, than one day Ty got away from him but he also took Griffin's girlfriend with him, who was with child at the time.
Griffin has been searching for both that child and Ty.
Apparently Ty is the only one that knows where the boy is.
As for Nim well thing is those who cared for the child was in Nim's bloodline.
Thing is the boy is probably my age by now because he ages slower than us, I bet anything Griffin is hoping to get his hands on Nim to bring his boy out of hiding.
Apparently he is a key to help us win this battle.
As is Nim." Cole explained.
"Why am I always learning stuff like this so late in the game.
Okay, no to their help.
As for you two, I saw the looks, what did you do with them?" Jack said to Davis and Jerry.
"It was apart of a plan Gabriel came up with.
Nim wasn't to be involved but he was there." Jerry sighed.
"Okay well if Gabe planned it  than it will work out.
I assume this has to do with your dad." Jack sighed.
As they talked they walked further away from Griffin's camp.
"Wait why didn't they come after us?" Jax pointed out.
"They are trapped there, I saw the cursed relic.
They are still very deep in with the evil one.
He keeps them trapped there till he needs them." Jack explained.
"Why was he so willing to help us if he is trapped?" Jax inquired.
"Because if we made a deal with him he could be free for the task, maybe even use us as tribute to be freed longer.
He had no choice to let us decide because if he forced us he would still be trapped." Jack explained
"Learn something new everyday." Jax mumbled.
"Okay well can we still get there through here." Mitchell said as he pulled back vines to reveal a cave.
"A creepy dark cave...
Nope not doing it, who knows what's in there.
We are in a spiritual realm, I bet there's some creepy giant spider demon thing in there." Jax said as he backed away.
Jerry reached behind and grabbed the front of Jax's shirt pulling him along.
Jax struggled to get free but Jerry was stronger.
"I didn't sign up for a suicide mission.
Let go!
Dang your strong." Jax grumbled as Jerry kept moving them forward.
They were lagging a little behind due to Jax digging his heels in.
Than at some point a sharp sting altered Jerry.
He looked back at Jax with his pocket knife in hand.
Without hesitation he pinned Jax to the wall and took his knife.
"Look you pipsqueak, I had enough of you acting like a two year old act your age.
What if I was the enemy right now, you'd be dead.
Now stop complaining and dragging your feet." Jerry snapped as he shoved Jax forward.
"Can I have my knife back?" Jax asked.
"I think I'll hold onto it." Jerry glared at him as he wrapped his hand.
Jax mumbled something under his breath as he kicked a stone.
Suddenly without warning the cave began to shake, Jerry saw a large bolder about to fall on Jax, he tackled him out of the way and laid his body on top of the smaller boy as more rubble fell.
Jax was screaming as Jerry tried to put his hand over his face to keep him from sucking in dust.
"Jerry!" Davis screamed.
He and Jonas were the first to get there.
"Davis!" Jerry responded.
Jerry tried to move when suddenly the ground gave way under them.
"What happened!?" Davis yelled as they watched the rubble shift.
Jerry sat there with Jax looking up at their exit full of rubble.
"The ground opened up, I don't know why the rocks are staying there." Jerry answered.
Than he saw it a grating was keeping the rocks back.
Panicked Jerry started to look around.
"What's wrong?" Jax asked while Jerry felt the walls for an exit.
"I should have known." Jerry muttered as a door open and on the other side stood Carson his uncle.
I see you brought a friend.
Come the rest of your friends will join us soon." Carson smirked as he pulled Jerry into the hall shoving him hard into the wall causing him to wince in pain especially from the bruises forming from the rubble before.
Jax backed further into the hole away from Carson who grab him by the hair and pull him out screaming.
"Carson stop!" Jerry snapped and instantly regretted it when Carson backhanded so hard it left him dazed.
"Let's move." Carson said he hoisted Jerry to his feet and into an elevator.
"So was it you who dumped all that rubble on us?" Jerry glared at Carson as he sat in the elevator with Jax pressed against his side.
Carson reached down and gripped Jerry by his chin and examined the bruises and cuts.
"Your dad isn't going to be pleased with this.
Why didn't you boys stay with Griffin?" Carson inquired.
"Because he's insane." Jerry said.
Jax was looking back and forth trying to figure out what was going on.
"He thinks your his friend." Carson chuckled as he turned his back to them to look at his cell phone like communicator.
Jerry gripped Jax's wrist and shook his head slowly to assure him he was still on his side.
Jerry put Jax's knife in his hand.
Jax hid it in his boot.
Carson got the boys on there feet and led them into the elegant foyer.
"Jerry that wash room is for you, Jax the room next to it is yours.
Go clean off the soot before it gets in your lungs." Carson instucted.
While in the bathroom Jerry examined his wounds.
"Good thing I'm a Holy warrior." Jerry smirked at himself.
Once finished the boys stood there in black sweats and ugg boots.
"What's the deal with this attire?" Jax half whispered.
"Its nutral and limits the need for PJs, its like a prison outfit to be honest." Jerry mumbled.
The fact he was wearing the same meant they were aware he wasn't on the enemies side.
"You boys cleaned up well.
Come let's get you to the room." A woman smirked.
"Susana." Jerry grumbled.
"Oh come now baby brother, you know what happens when you disobey daddy." Susana winked as she shoved him forward.
Jax stayed as close as possible to Jerry who is older than him and stronger than him.
Jerry gave Jax's wrist a gentle squeeze to assure him he's going to be okay.
"Awe my baby brother and his pet.
Is his wittle pet scawed?" Sue teased and mocked.
Jerry spun around so fast pinning her to the wall with his arm against her throat cutting off her air supply.
"Let's get one thing straight Suzy, he's my friend not my pet, secondly I am technically older than you, the fact I stopped aging and you kept aging doesn't make you older, tho I think it made you less what's the word, oh yeah human.
So little sis, tables have turned and I am in charge, you were always a spoiled little brat, daddy's favorite because you would do anything he told you like a loyal mut, so who's the pet now?" Jerry smirked as he grabbed her ponytail and forced her to lead them to the kids...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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