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i softly hit turn the alarm off and decide to go for a walk i reach the same area where i saved kaneki then i remembered something i got a random race pill

y/n: hmm bixby you there?

bixby: *yawn* yeah im here what do you need

y/n: i was wondering what a random race pill is.

bixby: oh those are pills that if you swallow you gain a random race bloodline in you its quite amazing if your lucky.

y/n: oh cool so what kind of race can i get?

bixby: hmm well you can get the sparda bloodline, the giant bloodline, the angel bloodline and the shapeshifter bloodline those are just a few there are more tho.

(a/n: btw readers i am planing on adding more except the saiyan blood line since i have never watched dbz just tell me which ones you want and i will see about it)

y/n: nice i think ill take one now.

i then proceeded to take the pill and got a notification.

*you have gained the sparda bloodline you are now part demon and have access to a variety of weapons known as devil arms the names will be implanted into your brain now*

i then felt a burning pain in my head it felt like someone as taking a drill with a lava like tip and drilling in my head i was trying my hardest not to yell but it hurt so much i then proceeded to pass out before i did i saw a woman with silver hair, a red tailcoat, boots that made you think of western, a sword on his back with a skull and two twin pistols on her hips before i then said one word before i passed out completely "sparda" i then passed completely out.

??? pov

he said sparda wait how does he know that name he doesn't look dangerous but looks can be deceiving so i picked him up and walked to my shop.

{time skip brought to you by me installing a window to the fourth wall so i don't shatter it}

i arrived at my shop and looked up and saw my sign.

i then walked in and placed him in a chair in the middle of the room and tied him up i then inspected him and found a knife that looked interesting i took it and went to my seat i shot a bullet near his head and woke him up

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i then walked in and placed him in a chair in the middle of the room and tied him up i then inspected him and found a knife that looked interesting i took it and went to my seat i shot a bullet near his head and woke him up.

y/n pov

i heard a giant bang next to me and woke up i looked around and saw i was in a different room it looked old i then realized i was tied up and tried to get out but i heard a voice in front of me.

???: hey i ain't letting you go i have a few questions first off who are you?

i looked forward and saw the same girl from before and saw my knife i realized i was still a ghoul and was getting hungry.

y/n: before i answer your question do you mind stabbing me in the chest with that knife?

to say she was confused at what i said was a understatement she was completely bamboozled i couldnt blame her so i then decided to do it myself i unleashed a different kagune the one was like a knife i used it to cut my bindings and got up to get my knife i put my kagune back and stabbed myself in the chest the blade glowed and my body started to change my hair turned silver my eyes felt hot like someone was putting a fire to it and my eyes became red a red so dark it resembled blood i then felt a weapon appear on my back i looked behind me and saw a katana with a bluish black sheathe and i then had a name appear in my head "yamato" i looked back at the woman and she had her guns out and aimed at me.

???: who are you and how do you have yamato and what happened to your body?

i then sat back down.

y/n: to answer your first question my name is y/n l/n but it seems right now im y/n sparda to answer your second question i dont know how i have yamato it just appeared on my back and your final question i switched races that knife allows me to switch races and i can now switch to a demon like you i guess i am now a human, a ghoul and a demon now so now for my questions who are you and do you mind teaching me how to use my powers?

she looked completey shocked again i could not blame her oh yeah i nearly forgot about my stats.

name: y/n l/n,sparda.

race: human/king ghoul/demon

title: the gamer.

hp: 300

mp: 300

level: 6

str: 20

end: 26

dex: 30

agi: 14

int: 12

luck: 40

free points: 10

y/n: hmm so i get 2 points every level up hmm i think ill use them real quick.

name: y/n l/n,sparda.

race: human/king ghoul/demon

title: the gamer.

hp: 300

mp: 300

level: 6

str: 20

end: 26

dex: 30

agi: 14

int: 22

luck: 40

free points: 0

i then look at the girl again and she seemed to come to and she looked at me and spoke.

dante: ok so first my names dante sparda and for your other question yes i will.

y/n: cool so when do we start?

tokyo ghoul x male gamer reader (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now