Chapter 2

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Artemis POV
I was called to meet my father at Olympus. I had no idea why. He said he had a surprise.

"Artemis, I have a gift for you."

"Ummmmm......... Is there a reason or..umm?" I say very confused. "Wait. This would not have to do with your fight with Poseidon, would it?"

"No, as a matter of fact he helped with this present."

"Ok...? Can I see the present?"

"Yes, of course." Father steps aside to reveal the most majestic wolf I have ever seen. "He is a hunting wolf, he doesn't have a name yet. You must give him one."

I pet his head and slowly spreading out from where I am petting stars start to form across his silky black fur. "He's beautiful, I think I'll name him..." I think for a second before seeing the answer, "Stars"

"Nice name. Stars is asking for permission to speak inside your head so you can have a conversation."

"I grant permission, Stars."

"Hello" I hear inside my head.

"Hi" I say back.

"Stars is now your guardian. He is trained to do almost everything a human can. He will listen to you or anyone he trusts. He has been blessed all the Olympian's, minus you."


"Yes" I hear in my head and outside of it.

"I, Artemis, goddess of the hunt and moon, bless you, Stars."

I noticed his eyes, that were just a rainbow of all the Olympian's eye color, turned silver like the moon, with pupils in the form of crescent moons. I also noticed that a glimmer of sea green stayed behind. Weird.

"Come now, Stars. I want to introduce you to the rest of the hunt."

He comes without hesitation.

"Of course, M'lady." I hear in my head. (A/N from now on it will say Stars said)

We flashed away.

Thalia's POV
I miss him. I miss kelp head so much. He was my brother in everything but blood. He was the only person, besides Lady Artemis, to know that I am afraid of heights. But, Lady Artemis said she knows he is alive. I believe her. I just miss him.

Stars POV
I will have to see her. My best friend. I can't lie to her. She will figure it out at one point. No. I will not let myself be found out if I'm not ready. I am a guardian. The guardian of the hunt. I am strong.

Thalia POV
I hear Lady Artemis calling for me to meet her in her tent. I wake up and I quickly get change . I sit down, not sure what to do.

"What did father want?" I question.

"He gave me a gift."

"What?" I spit imaginary coffee everywhere.

"Yes, he is amazing." Artemis says kind of dreamily, making me confused, "he is a midnight black wolf with a starry pattern over him."

Oh. That makes sense. "Do you give permission for him to speak inside your head?" She says, making me more confused.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask, "he can speak, but only inside my head?"

She nods. "Ok, he can speak inside my head. Does he have a name?"

"Yes, he does. His name is Stars."

"Where is he?" I say trying to picture him in my head with what Lady Artemis told me.

Lady Artemis stays silent for a second before saying "right, here".

Guardian of the Hunt: Version One ~On Hold~Where stories live. Discover now