Chapter 3

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(A/N the lost hero is the same just Hera told camp Percy was alive, so Annabeth spend the entire book trying to find him.)

Stars POV
When I woke up, I saw someone who could be my mom. We looked the same, apart from the fact that she was bigger than me, she was fully grown, and I had a starry pattern over my body.

For weeks, we trained. I had learned that the other wolf's name was Lupa. We trained hard. By the end of the training, it was June. I don't know when we started, but I think it was about April, I could be wrong.

Today, I was going to Camp Jupiter. Something felt familiar with the camp part, but not the Jupiter part. I had a habit of calling the gods by their older, Greek names. Jupiter was Zeus.

I can feel the camp's energy. I just can't pin point the location. I hear crackling behind me. I see the minotaur, staring me down. Oddly enough, he only has one horn. I don't want to fight, fighting monsters has become harder recently, they seem not to stay dead as long.

I feel all around me, trying to pin point the camp's location. I finally get it. Exactly, 1 miles north of me now. I take off running.

When I'm almost there, some one starts to talk to me, "hello there," some crazed hag says to me.

(A/N Hera has made it so he can just talk to people, no permission anymore.) "Umm... Hi," I say back.

"Would you mind help me cross the street, please,"

"Umm," I can feel some power of something, she's probably a goddess in disguise, "sure, hop on,"

"Oh thank you,"

As she gets on, I check behind me, the minotaur quickly closing in, about 3 yards til he reaches me. I quickly look both ways, and run. I run as fast as I can without being to bumpy. I would like the hag to stay on and be comfortable.

I see the entrance. It's guarded by two kids. One with a sword, the other with a bow. "Behind me, kid," I grumble, "one of you,"

Their eyes widen. "Hazel, take them in, I'll fight the bull." Bow kid says.

Sword kid, who's name I think is Hazel, leads us through the door they were guarding. "Can you walk now," I ask the hag, as she was getting heavier and heavier.

"No, not yet hero," she tells me.

"Hi, I'm Hazel," Hazel says, "and you are,"

"I am Stars," I tell her respectfully.

Just then, we run into a river. "If you want to pass you must wash away your blessing of being the guardian." A voice in my head tell me.

I stop. I don't remember anything before the wolf house, but being a guardian sounds so familiar. I don't want to lose that. But then again, I will be killed by the monsters out there. Yes, I must cross the river.

I jump in and start to swim across, the hag still in my back. As I'm swimming, I start to change, from a wolf into a human. I will not go into detail, because it's to weird. But when I reach the other side, I'm human. "You can put me down now," the old hag says, still in my back.

I carefully drop her to the floor and turn around. Bow kid is running backwards, shooting arrow, after arrow, at the minotaur. I run back as Hazel jumps in to help him. I don't want to see them get hurt, even if I just met them.

As I'm charging, I realize that I don't have a weapon. Suddenly, an idea hits me, literally. The minotaur charges at the same time and we each other. He hits me with his horn, while I hit him with me fists. I grab his horn and use it to get on his head. I try to yank it off, but to no avail. I try kicking it off. That works. It falls off, but so do I. I hit the ground hard and I hear an arrow fly past my face and hit the bull in the nose. I kick beef face back into the river. Next, I grip his horn harder and drive it in to his chest, kill him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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