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     I can't love her though, she's not into me, but who's to say there's no harm in trying? God  damn. My heart was beating so fast I swear Ari could hear it. We both eased up to each other. Slowly and steadily.

     "See, it's not so hard." She said as she gently lifted her head up at me looking into my eyes.

     I smiled looking down at my feet hiding myself from blushing. When I felt comfortable, I lifted my head back up and noticing she was gazing at me. So I did the same and kept my eyes locked on hers. We just stood there silently, dancing and gazing at each other romantically. Silence broke when Ari begins to speak and stutters on her words.

     "H-hey. Do you re- remember what I was telling you on the b- bus?" She moved closer to me but her voice became so soft and her face looked so timorous.

     "Yes," I answered. Slightly confused

     "That person is you, Denis."

     Taken by complete surprise, she moved her face and body even closer to mine having both our lips now glued together. Her lips were soft like touching the petal of a flower. Her curves arched against my chest giving me the instinct to grab a hold of them. Her hands reached to my cheeks holding them tightly like she never wanted to lose her grip. My heart began to race faster and faster each second my lips were in hers. It was everything I wanted; everything was perfect. Time passed and we both let go of each other at the same time. I began to run out of air not realizing I was holding my breath the whole time.

"I- I thought you didn't like me that way." I stated.

She looked confused, "I never said that,"

Confused as well I replied, "What do you mean? Dasha said..."

"Dasha said to me the same thing about you.." She interrupted.

What? How is that? I responded in my head. Realizing that, I should have been smarter. She got under my skin, outsmarted us BOTH, and took advantage of it. She's my best friend, why would she do this to me? I laughed to the side of Ari to the response of betrayal.

"She lied to us both."

Ari rolled her eyes and

Having the feeling of betrayal and answer, U came up with a plan to get back at her. I spotted Dasha at the corner of my eye heading over to my way. I immediately then grabbed Ari closer to me and held her tight and very close.

"Denis, what are you-"

"Shhhh, follow my lead," I interrupted.

Ariana's POV

I was very confused as to what was going on. He moved closer to me now bringing his lips to mine slowly moving his hands to my lower back. It was getting very hot and I could feel my heart about to explode. He gently moved his lips down my neck kissing me all around.

"D-Denis.." I cried.

I bit my lips in pleasure as I felt his warm, soft lips against me. It was so hard not to push him down tho the floor right here and now. What ever he was doing..I didn't want him to stop, but he did. Guess who?

"Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Dasha comes rushing to me pushing me away from Denis causing a scene. This is the moment I realized that everything Denis was doing to me, was apart of his little "plan" which did hurt me but I let that go in this moment.

"This is my boyfriend, not yours!!" Dasha yells.

"First off, I'm not your boyfriend. Second, she's not the lair here!" Denis yells back at her.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"We aren't together, we simply though we can be but we can not. I like her a lot more. She doesn't lie and she is very sweet."

Denis continued to say reasons why we should be a couple. I was so flattered and so amazed at the things he was saying but it was hurting Dasha then hurting me. Everything he was doing to me, was a plan and I still feel hurt by that. When he was finished the scene became more crowded by people staring. The guys caught us and began to look as well.

"Really, then what about us?" Everything we've been through, was that a lie?" Dasha asked beginning to cry.

"No, of course not." Denis said moving closer to Dasha. He put his hand in her shoulder, "everything was perfect but it's time to move on, we can still be friends. Just don't do it again."

Dasha started to cry more pushing Denis' hand off her shoulder and ran out the door. Denis began to follow but Ben came up behind and grabbed his arm giving him a look not to bother her. Instead, I did and ran towards the door.

"Ariana!" Denis yelled my name but I didn't listen.

I kept running hearing what sounded like rain as I approached closer. I hurriedly opened the door feeling the rush of rain spraying at me. Flinching, I noticed Dasha was against a brick wall soaked and I was about to be as well. I walked closer and sat against the deepened red brick wall next to her in a puddle.

"Why are you here?" She asked with a sassy remark.

"Look, I know you don't like me.."

"HA! That's an understatement." She interrupted with ignorance but I avoided it.

"...but Denis is an amazing guy. I wouldn't ruin the friendship you guys have. Dating or not, you can be friends. I'm sure there's many other guys out there for you."

"Why are you telling me this when he was just all over your damn neck?"

Thinking about it, I continued, "Okay, maybe I'm not the greatest person to chat with right now, but I've been in this situation before and I know how it feels. Just know he's expecting you as a friend. Be happy with that much."

Dasha didn't say anything.

She got up and walked off with barely any balance. I got up and saw Denis coming out from the door. Denis looked at Dasha walking away for a second before he had noticed me.

"How'd it go?" Denis asked.

"I think it went well," I sarcastically nodded, "except she still doesn't like me but, oh well."

It began to her silent for a moment before I began to speak again.

"I have to ask, Denis. everything you said and everything you.. did to me for the plan, did you mean it or like.."

Denis interrupted me setting his hand on my shoulder, "everything that I had said and even did to you, I meant."

I began to feel super tingly inside myself. It tried to keep a straight face and turned away from Denis' face but it was hard not too what made me feel better, was that he was smiling too.

Our World Between Us (Denis Stoff and Ariana Grande)  | CHAPTER 9 IS UP |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt