Learning More About Her

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  Well, that didn't work at all, Delgado thought to himself as he kept pacing all around the den, I've gotta try something else, but what?

  Just then, Dawkins walked into the room with a rectangular notepad and a pen clipped to his right ear, and seeing his freckled genius of a brother immediately gave Delgado an idea. Of course! Rosalind's one of Dawkins' best friends! He probably knows lots of gross, weak, and/or lame stuff about her! 

  In all his excitement, the little handicapped pup very nearly crashed into Dawkins. "DawkinsIneedyoutotellmeallthestuffyouknowaboutRosalind!" Delgado blurted rapidly.

  Dawkins simply blinked at his wheelchair-bound brother twice before responding, "Excuse me?"

  "Okay," Delgado repeated, calming himself down a bit, "so you know your friend, Rosalind?"

  "Let me guess," Dawkins confidently responded with a (slightly smug) smile forming on his face, "you want to see her again?"

  "N-n-n-n-no!" Delgado denied, his face starting to blush again, "I-I just need you to tell some stuff you know about her!"

  "Is that so?" Dawkins replied with somewhat of a smirk forming on his freckly face, "Okay then." 

  With that, the little genius pup promptly climbed up onto the sofa, and his wheelchair-bound brother followed suit, asking sheepishly, "Do you think I could write some of this down? Y'know, so it'll be easier to remember?"

  "Good call," Dawkins replied, pushing the notepad towards Delgado, removing the pen from his right ear, and placing it down on the notepad. Delgado picked this pen up and got ready to write stuff down. "Sooo... what are her eating habits like?" Delgado asked, thinking to himself, Maybe she drools in her food like Roxy.

  "She lives off of an all-organic vegan diet," Dawkins began, "which means she doesn't eat any animal products."

  "Okay," Delgado responded as he wrote onto the notepad "Is a vegan, doesn't eat stuff from animals" and then asked, "So she's super weak, right?" 

  In response, Dawkins immediately bursted a few laughs before answering, "Oh, not even close. You should see how she does against the Dimitris."

  "Really?" This part quickly caught his wheelchair-bound brother's attention, so Dawkins continued, "Mm-hm. You see, she actually wants to be a hunting dog when she grows up, and-"

  Before the young genius pup could finish his statement, he and Delgado heard a female clearing her voice. They both looked over to see that Triple-D had entered the den. "Care to explain..." Destiny began, with Dallas continuing, "... who you two were..." and Deja Vu finishing with "... just talking about?"

  Delgado got really nervous and simply replied with "Uuuuuhhhhhh..." before Dawkins started explaining, "We were talking about Rosalind. You see, she and Delgado met each other yesterday, and it seems that he's developed quite an interest in her."

  "N-N-No!" Delgado vehemently stammered, as the statement left the younger wheelchair-bound pup strawberry-red in the face. In response, Destiny promptly began, "So you're saying..." with Dallas continuing, "... that he's got..." and Deja Vu finishing with "... a crush on her?!"

  "Yes," Dawkins accidentally blurted out, earning him a "Dawkins!" from Delgado. 

  Upon hearing this, all three of the famous triplets promptly started to let out one huge, collective squee (or Triple-Squee, as the family and neighbors referred to it). However, before they could, Delgado quickly leaped down from the sofa and dashed towards his triplet sisters to cover their mouths. "Would you three keep it down? Everyone will hear you!" All the while he was saying this, his whole face was redder than a toffee apple.

  "Does Rosalind know?" Destiny asked, with Delgado promptly answering, "No! And you'd better keep it that way!"

  "What about Dawkins? Can he tell her?" Deja Vu followed up, to which her wheelchair-bound brother agitatedly exploded, "NO!!!"

  Luckily, he was quickly able to calm himself down (at least a little) and immediately continued, "Okay, look. It's like this: I don't want these feelings to make me start acting like a dum-dum, so I'm trying to snap myself out of it by having Dawkins tell me some unattractive stuff about her."

  Upon hearing this, the three little celebrity triplets simply exchanged looks before going into a corner of the den, huddling together, and talking among each other for a little while, much to Dawkins and Delgado's confusion. Then all three of them walked back up to the two boys, and Destiny promptly said, "Well, that's not a bad way to learn about a girl's qualities, I guess..." with Dallas following up with "... but the only way to know what being with her is like..." and Deja Vu capping it off with "... is to spend time with her yourself." 

  "Dawkins, you usually hang out with Albert and Rosalind at the P-A-R-K, correct?" Destiny asked, to which Dawkins replied, "Yes." Just then, the five of them heard their many other siblings rushing into the den while shouting, "PARKPARKPARKPARKPARK!!!" "Oh, kibbles!"

  Before they knew it, all of them (except for Delgado, who'd swiftly parkoured his way up to the sofa in the middle of the whole puppy swarm, and Dallas, who'd clung to his back) were bombarded by an enormous puppy pile! Afterwards, Dawkins, Destiny, and Deja Vu poked their heads out, and Dallas promptly turned to Dawkins and complained, "Did you seriously have to teach them how to spell that word?"

  "Of course I did," Dawkins protested in reply, "Spelling is an essential part of literacy!"

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