The Real Knight in Shining Armor

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Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was a happy girl, but one that just wanted to be loved. She looked high and low for her promised Prince Charming, so much so that she believed he lied within liars, and cheaters, and villains.

One day, she met a boy. He was a funny boy, but had a scary past and a way with words that captivated her and sucked her into a world of fear. See, he lived where the even suns rays refused to go. When he  convinced the girl to live there with him, he revealed his true self. The whole time, he was an evil dragon disguised as a handsome prince, but it was too late for the girl. "Ssssee?" he'd slither. "You have no one elssseee now but me." For years and years, the girl wasted away, and the dragon took pieces of her heart. "Thissss is what love feels like." He'd tell her. "I love you." He'd say, as he plucked another piece of her heart from her chest.

One day, the girl decided to leave the dragon's world. She kicked and fought, and eventually made it out..but the dragon still had pieces of her heart. She was convinced then that she could never love again, because who can love without a heart?

But one day, she met a different boy. This one had curly hair, and a goofy smile..but most importantly, he cared for the girl. Even though he couldn't see that the girl was missing pieces of her heart, he loved her. It was then that the girl learned that the dragon never loved her, that he was merely a thief.

Then came the fateful True Love's Kiss.

The love that they shared was so strong that the dragon couldn't have any power over the girl anymore. He was slain, and the girls heart was restored. She was wrong about not being able to love without pieces of her heart, because she loved the boy with all that she had in what she had left. But the day her heart was restored, she knew she didn't have to fear anymore.

And that day, she could finally imagine a Happily Ever After.

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