Chapter 1 ~ The Bearing of News

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Sitting in the Privy chamber, I thought over the events of today. Mysteriously, the king vanished off around the middle of the day and has yet to be seen, though, it's not much of a surprise considering I never can locate my husband.

Before he left, I was given the news that I was to have a new Lady in Waiting to join me tomorrow. She allegedly grew up in a French court so it is expected of her to be familiar with all royal court proceedings; while I am not majorly concerned with the amount she could provide at court, the King expects highly of her and we are to go down to greet her at court in the morn.

"Good evening, my dear Catherine, " Henry pushed the oak door wide prior to closing it once he had stepped into the chamber.

"Good Evening Henry, " I moved over, allowing my husband to sit close.

"We are to meet the new Lady in Waiting tomorrow, is that correct?" I ask, presuming Lady Rochford was correct but the King insists I double-check everything against him.

"Yes, we are. She is a daughter to the Boleyn family, so I expect highly of her," He answers as if it is new information. I am already aware of how highly he expects of people, so it would be of a shock to me if he didn't have high standards for the new woman.

The fact she is a Boleyn also doesn't come a surprise to me. Her mother, Elizabeth Boleyn, was another one of my Ladies in Waiting, with the Boleyn family quite respected amongst society.

"Okay my love, " I answer sweetly, gazing up at the king. He always demands we looked at him when he is voicing his word; I have felt the brunt of that before and it is not an experience I would like to re-endure.

Tired, I rest my weary head on the silk beneath me.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

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