Chapter 2 ~ A Royal Arrival

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I took my husband's hand as we embarked along the prestigious hallway to the court.

The sun had barely risen, leaving the hallways in a shadow of darkness. Yet, the skyline is so beautiful, and the little light that entered lit the carpet like spotlights, highlighting whoever was walking past.

"My dear Catherine, are you not joyous to be acquainted with Lady Anne?"

"Yes, I am joyous, for I believe her to be a kind lady just like her mother, " I didn't doubt that Lady Anne was to be as kind-natured as her mother. I didn't get much choice in who my Ladies in Waiting were, but I trusted my husband, and he has always chosen wisely and I have grown to trust every one of them.

Stepping into the court was a complete change of atmosphere. The once warm walls threw back cold, bitter air. Tastes and smells of concrete flooded my mouth. My left hand turning numb while my right safety enclosed in Henry's warm palms.

After a few minutes of haunting silence, a fair young woman with black hair walks in through the great entrance. Her light green dress gently hung over her beautifully postured body.

"Lady Anne, you have kept the King and Queen waiting!" The King's advisor warns her, despite this not being the truth. Well, we were waiting, but Henry and I arrived earlier than we were scheduled to, thus having to wait. I believe this not to be a fair accusation against Lady Anne, and I will remind her of that later.

Once Lady Anne had been officially appointed as my Lady in Waiting, I took her to greet my others. Henry had left to take care of some royal duty I wasn't in the know about, so It was just me and Lady Anne.

"Your Highness, I must say you look very radiant today, " She complimented on our way, still maintaining her incredible posture.

"Thank you Lady Anne, I feel we should be friends fast, " I had a good relationship with all my Ladies in Waiting, and I currently see no reason with Anne to suggest otherwise.

"Here is where you'll be staying, " I opened the door to where my other Ladies in Waiting where awaiting. Lady Anne seemed as if she was impressed at the sight.

"Hello, My name is Jane Seymour," Jane introduced herself. She had a friendly disposition and was always the first to welcome someone new to the court. Jane greeted Lady Anne with a smile before they followed me back to my bed chambers.

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