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It was pretty safe to say that Matt had a problem.

A big problem.

You know when a situation goes bad so you tell a lie to fix it? Well, that's been a coping mechanism for Matt since he was a child, since his unruly behaviour often caused mishap. One lie would stretch to another until a web of lies began to weave over his life, which only got worse once he started pre-school.

It started off as small things, like him lying about being related to Abraham Lincoln or lying about having nine hamsters. It was amusing, definitely- but the more Matt lied, the better at lying he became. By the time he was ten, he was known as the kid who accidentally ran into Kanye. By the time he was fourteen, he was known as the teen who climbed Mount Everest. By the age of sixteen, he was known as the man who impregnated two girls on the same night.

His lies definitely darkened over his adolescence, due to his parents' predicted divorce. They said it wasn't him and Matt knew that was the truth. His dad was not a nice person, to either him or his mum. He escaped from his troubles easily with a simple statement that made people's mouths drop to the floor, the clambering for more information followed like water flushing away the spider. However, Matt was quick to spin up another web of a lie, always having some end of the web to connect to another.

It was coming up to Matt's seventeenth birthday and nothing scared him more than that.

Why, you might ask? Easy. He hates cake.

You might not think that's a problem but to his annoyingly great mother, she's adamant now that everything Matt says is a lie and so every year, she gets a cake to Matt's despair. The sight of the vanilla sponge reminded his mouth of the taste of chewing on velcro, the icing forming a cement that would clog up his mouth until finally swallowed several minutes later; don't get him started on the sprinkles!

So, Matt laid on his bed, haunted by the cake's cakiness, wishing that the world would skip a day, specifically his birthday. Tomorrow is just another day, Matt told himself, maybe an anniversary of his infamous Kanye meeting? C'mon brain, think of something for tomorrow... maybe mom will forget?


She didn't forget.

"Wakey wakey, honey! It's your big daaaay!" Matt's mother sang as her head peeped through his bedroom door. The brunette opened his eyes dozily before a giant huff escaped his lips. Why, oh why? His mother edged her way in the room, tray in hand, before setting the tray down on his bedside table. "Hey, grumpy pants! Eat up quick, I let you lie in. Get ready for school!"

Another long, disgruntled groan came from Matt as his mom mimicked him, going too leave the room before she spotted something on the floor, pushed under his bed just hidden from sight. "Matthew Patrick?" The boy peeked open his eyes again lazily, sitting up to see what was happening before his eyes widen. "Mom, that's private, it's mine!" He complained as he pushed the skateboard further under his bed, glaring at his mom who simply chuckled. "Are you seeing someone, Matthew, or are you now a better skater than Tony Hawk?"

"Shuddup, it's just a stupid skateboard," He told her, taking his interest to the croissants on the breakfast tray and took a bite. Matt's mother shrugged but a devious smile was still evident on her face and no matter how silly, it always made Matt smile. "Well, whoever it is, they can come around for tea tonight," She spoke warmly as she began to leave the room. Matt rolled his eyes but called after her, "You forgot to give me birthday bumps!"

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