00:The Submissive Group Chat

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The Secret 'Trio' of submissives

Blue Phoenix has logged on~
Norris Fighter has logged on~
China Dragon has logged on~
Ghost Prince has logged on~

Blue Phoenix: Hey guys! How was your first week of school as10th graders?
Chinese Dragon: Not bad just my friends still hate Nigel. If I told them we're dating they would flip! But for the most part I'm ok 🙂
Ghost Prince: Same! Tucker and Sam have no idea why the A-listers are nice to me now. Whenever Dash tries to say hi, Sam growls to scare him away. If they knew I was his baby, then I would not like that tea 🍵 It would be boiling hot and bitter with salt mixed in.
Norris Fighter: Its funny watching Rach keep calm as her bestie drools over her man, while Howard glares at Nomi like he's a murderer.
Blue Phoenix: I'm so glad my struggles amuse you dear brother. Also Danny how do you sneak dates with Dash and still be Phantom?
Ghost Prince: Well it's easy. Dash knows I'm Phantom so when I have to bail he's fine with it, but I owe him kisses every time I leave.
Chinese Dragon: Oh~ Just kisses? 😉
Blue Phoenix: I call BS!
Norris Fighter: You're talking shit!
Ghost Prince: Ok! Only one time he asked for more 😖
All: As we thought 😈
Blue Phoenix: Randy and I have to go Theresa and Howard are calling us.
Norris Fighter: Wish we could chat more, like we did during summer break.
Chinese Dragon: Yea same. I have to go too, Spud and Trixie are at my house now.
Ghost Prince: Me as well. Sam, Trucker and Jazz are banging on my bedroom door.
All: Bye! Text ya tonight~

BluePhoenix has logged off~
NorrisFighter has logged off~
GhostPrince has logged off~
ChinaDragon has logged off~

Randy's Pov
I leave the chat and hear "Chunningham get both your behinds down here!!!" from Howard downstairs. I was about reply when "DON'T GET YOUR PANTIES IN A TWIST WEINERMAN!!!!!"was screamed out from Rachelle. I just chuckle, grab the Nomicon and head downstairs. Rachelle follows suit a minute later with TenguBlack in her arms. We headed outside to see both Howard and Theresa waiting for us. "Now why are you two here?"Rachelle ask. "Well we're hoping that you guys want to walk to school together" Theresa says looking down shyly. Me and Rachelle look at each other, then nod at our friends. "You should put those books in your bags. They're an eye sore" Howard says pointing at Nomicon and TenguBlack. We shake our heads and say in unison "What?! This book is my life! I would never do so again. It's more important than you think. Also these books are beautiful." They nod at as we make our way to school. As Theresa and Howard start to walk in front of us and are in their own conversation, I look at Rachelle as I hold up my phone that shows a photo from the beginning of summer break. Both of us give a sad smile to each other as we miss our superhero friends. We start to see the school so I put away my phone and start to chat with Howard as Rachelle talks with Theresa.

Danny's Pov
I log off our chat and open my door. " What do you guys want?" I ask as Sam, Jazz and Tucker just drag me downstairs by my arms. "We're going to be late! Hurry it up Danny!" Jazz yells as she thrusts my bag into my hands before rushing out the door. Sam, Tucker and I follow after her and I discreetly pull out my phone, smiling sadly at a photo. *sigh* I already miss them and its only been a few days. I quickly put my phone away as we enter Amity high. The A-Listers see me as I head to my locker. I discreetly wave at them, so other students don't see me doing it and ask Sam or Tucker what's going on. They wave back as I get what I need from my locker and head out to find Tucker and Sam.

Jake's Pov
When I logged out of the chat and quickly gathered my school supplies then rush to meet with Spud and Trixie. "Come on Jake! You want to catch Rose's attention right? You won't be able to if you're late" Trixie says as we speed walk to school. "Uh.. yea" I hesitantly reply looking at a photo with a small smile. As Spud starts to talk about a weird dream he had last night, I start to think about the wild things I did with my secret friends. The crazy things we got into and problems we solved. I hope we get to do those things again soon.

What these four heroes don't know is that they'll get to see each other soon but with a cost.

Secret Trio:We meet during summerWhere stories live. Discover now