I wish...

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I wish I was the tide, that can kiss your feet when you stroll on the beach...

I wish I was the air that could touch your cheeks, staying always in your reach;

I wish I was the flower that you picked up, to be on your suit...

I wish I was the music playing from your flute;

I wish I was the one holding your hand on the altar TODAY....

I wish you were the one who loved me day after day;
No worries, I will not stop loving you after today...

I will not let your memories cling away;

I promised to stay with you what may.....

and I will fulfill it night and day;

I will still spread the cheer when you are sad...

I will still bring you to smile when you are mad;

I will be the angel and will while away your worries when you need me...

I will be the casket that will hold you when you finally come to me.

To You.. From MeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora