Chapter 2

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I was sitting alone in the living room, listening to music through my earbuds, when Sam and Dean got back. Following them was four grown men. One seemed to be the oldest of all of them, just by the way the others seemed to fall in behind him and watch his reactions. The one right behind him I recognized as Lucifer. The blond hair, blue eyes, and punchable face was impossible to forget. To his left was a black man, taller than the dark haired one but not Lucifer. He seemed uncomfortable at being here and kept looking at the oldest, wanting his guidance. The last one was short with brown hair, glancing around like he already belonged.

"Hey kiddo," Dean said, moving over to me and resting his hand on my shoulder. "Violet, meet Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel."

"Hey," I nodded slightly as I looked over at them.

Lucifer looked over me. "This is the girl we get to stay with?"

"Yep," Sam replied. "She's got the ferocity of a tiger."

I chuckled softly and rolled my eyes. "I'm also a really good shot," I added, twirling my earbuds on my fingers and putting them in my pocket. My phone was in my other pocket. "So don't even try anything."

"It's true. She'll shoot," the dark haired one said suddenly. I narrowed my eyes slightly in confusion and tilted my head. "I'm Michael."

"You read my mind," I guessed. He nodded. "Well, how about you stay out of my business before I neuter your ass." I glared harshly at him. I liked my privacy.

The short brunette laughed. "I like her! I'm Gabriel. I think we're gonna be good friends," he grinned, looking at me with mischief in his eyes. I made eye contact and gave him my best bitchface. "She's more like Mary Winchester than either of you."

"I was told that a lot," I said, grabbing my bookbag. Before I went up the stairs, I glanced at the dark skinned man. "You must be Raphael."

"Yes," he confirmed. I nodded slightly and clicked my tongue softly.

"Well, I've still got homework. I'll be down for dinner," I said to my brothers before jogging up the stairs.

Third POV

"Yeah, she's totally got a boy in her room," Lucifer scoffed as he sat on a chair in the map room.

Dean glanced at his brother before crossing his arms. "She wouldn't do that; she's too smart. Plus she knows that any boy she brings in here without our permission is free game."

Gabriel shrugged. "I mean, we are experienced big brothers. I took one look at her and I could tell," he said. "But, if you swear you know Violet that well, I won't say anything."

Sam and Dean glanced at each other for a moment, having a telepathic conversation through glances. They knew Violet was a little troublemaker, but she wouldn't sneak a boy in. Right? "I'll go check on her," Sam said, making his way up the stairs to her room.

Michael and Raphael sat down opposite from Lucifer and Gabriel, not saying a word. They didn't seem to excited about the whole thing. "Listen," Dean started, getting their attention. "No one wants this except for Chuck. Now, I'm not saying let's bow down to the dude, but it might be smart to lay low for a while. He took your powers like it was taking candy from a baby. There's no telling what this guy will do if he gets worked up. My idea? Violet teaches you guys how to be human and then we all team up against Chuck."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not taking orders from a moody teenager," Michael said, crossing his arms.

"You could learn a lot from her. She can be a bitch, but she knows her stuff. She'll teach you how to fight and deal with human shit," the hunter replied. "You need to learn and Sam and I need to keep an image up for Chuck. We don't want him to think we're planning anything, alright?"

Gabriel shrugged. "I don't see the problem. She seems interesting," he grinned slightly.

"She seems like another responsibility," Raphael corrected.

"No, no. Violet can take care of herself. She's actually supposed to be babysitting you guys, since your just babies that can sass without your grace," Dean said. "I'm not worried for her in the slightest."

Violet's POV

I jogged up the stairs to my room, not bothering to look back. I never liked meeting new people, and my brothers knew it. It didn't surprise them when I made an excuse to go to my room.

I opened my door and smiled softly. Tate was laying on my bed, his shoes discarded on the floor, reading one of my books. I shut the door and then crawled on the bed, leaning on his hip. "Thanks for being quiet," I smiled as I connected my phone to my speaker to play music.

"Of course. Can't have me getting caught, right?" Tate joked, turning on his back to look at me. "I'm down for a movie. You?"

I grinned and grabbed my remote. "Always," I agreed. I turned on Netflix and started to flick through movies. "Okay, so, there's National Treasure, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Men in Black..."

"Men in Black!" Tate grinned, grabbing my phone to turn the music off. "I love that movie."

"Honestly, who doesn't?" I asked, leaning into him. I clicked on the movie and got comfortable right before I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Go, get in the closet and hide."

Tate turned off the movie while I turned on my music on low, grabbing my textbook and binder. I looked up and saw him go into my closet, shutting the door right before Sam walked in.

"Hey, everything okay?" Sam asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm just taking notes over Rome," I said with a chuckle. "Something wrong?"

"No, no," he replied, walking over and sitting on my bed. I put down my pencil that I just picked up. "It's just..."

I smirked a little. "You thought Tate was here, didn't you?" I scoffed.

"Yeah..." He said sheepishly. "Sorry kiddo. The archangels said something about it and Dean and I got suspicious. We know you wouldn't do anything like that."

I felt kinda guilty lying to them. They were my brothers, and the only family I have. They deserved to know the truth. "Right," I smiled. "I wouldn't do that. You're the most important boy in my life, you loser." I moved closer and ruffled his hair with a grin.

"Alright, alright. I get it," Sam smiled. "You'd never bring a boy in. I was stupid to think otherwise."

I smiled and shrugged. "You said it, not me."

I kept my promise!! Stay safe from corona my bois. Make sure to wash your hands and cover your mouth when you sneeze.
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-lit ass author

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