Chapter 1

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On a forest battlefield were a few dead bodies scattered across the ground, standing among the dead was a young teenage girl with long wavy dark blue hair that flares out on the sides and in the back. She also had an ahoge on top of her hair, the girl wore a light orange and cream sleeveless kimono-style blouse tied with a light orange obi around her waist, cream colored shorts, one black thigh high stocking and black shinobi sandals. Her blue eyes narrowed as she saw the enemy in front of her. Standing a few feet away from her was a young man with spiky black and blonde hair, he had on dark clothes. He held a kunai in one hand and had the Nanadaime (Seveth) Hokage in his other hand. The seventh was beaten and battered, he was breathing heavily. The young girl was mortified to see her father in such a position.


The girl looked at the Hokage with worried eyes as he said her name.

"What is it papa?" Himawari said.

With all his strength the Nanadaime slowly spoke to his daughter. He said that he was sorry for not being the best father to her and her older brother. The Nanadaime also told Himawari that he was proud of her achievements throughout her childhood and teen years.

"Himawari please tell your mother and brother that I love them." The Nanadaime said with a smike. "Oh I will always be with you no matter what you do or decide in the future."

The enemy grinned as he slashed the Nanadaime's neck with the kunai.

"PAPA!!!!!!" Himawari screamed.

Tears began to fall from her eyes as she fell to the ground. Anger started to build up inside her, looking up Himawari's normal blue eyes turned white as veins near their temples bulge then they changed into light blue iris filled with what resemble an overlapping white flower pattern as the pupils. Her veins weren't bulging out.

"Kawaki..." Himawari said in a cold dead tone. "I'm gonna kill you."

Kawaki just smiled. He activated his kāma seal.

"Don't think you can will against me." Kawaki snarled.

"You must forgot that I'm a descendant of the Uzumaki and Hyuga clan!" Himawari yelled. "And I'm my Father's Dau-au-au-aughter!!!!!"

In a burst of blue light; a light blue chakra shroud with six magatama markings around her collar bone, The shroud constantly radiates flickering flames of chakra, and her clothing and hair continuously billow upwards as if caught in a strong breeze. Nine neon blue orbs surrounded her back.

In a burst of speed, Himawari was behind Kawaki within seconds with no time to react he took a right hook to the jaw that sent him flying into nearby trees. After breaking the thirteenth tree in half Kawaki skidded across the ground, digging his left hand in the ground to stop the skidding. Looking up the black and blonde spiky hair teen saw bloodlust in her eyes.

Disappearing from his line of vision, Himawari appeared in front of him with her fist cocked back before launching it in his face. Kawaki felt the impact and his nose breaking. The Nanadaime's daught grabbed his shirt pulling him back to get another punch to the face, it went on for a few seconds before she got into the 8 trigram 64 palms stance.

"Gentle Fist Art: Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!" Himawari yelled.

Kawaki had little time to recover when Himawari struck one of his chakra points then more as all this was in mere seconds. Staggering back Kawaki left his body ack, luckily for him he could power up to unblock his chakra points.

Chuckling slightly Kawaki began to power up. The daughter of the Nanadaime Hokage narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth. Shooting and air palm strike at her target however Kawaki fazed out of existence and appeared beside Himawari while delivering a swift kick to her side. Stepping back a bit Himawari tried to regain ber footing but couldn't as Kawaki grabbed her head and slammed his knee into her nose breaking it in the process.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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