Quick Note

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This fanfic is set in this universe. However, I am not the omniscient narrator of life, I do not know all. So if I get anything in this fanfic wrong, such as the joys and hardships of idol life and their comeback/touring schedules, please don't hound me to death over it, I would not be able to handle the stress of try to get everything in the fic just-so. Nothing that happens in this story is real, it's just a fanfic. Just to make sure everything's clear.

Also, as you probably guessed from the cast chapter, Moon Quin and Martínez Jia are the protagonists of this fanfic. As this story has two protagonists, there will be sections of the fic which is more focused on Quin than Jia and vice versa.  Also, I know that Suzy has brown hair, but Quin has dirty-blonde hair, so please pretend Suzy is blonde. I personally think Suzy would rock blonde hair. What do you guys think?

One last thing. If I do end up finishing this fanfic - which I'm hoping I will do especially as I have one of my best friends encouraging me to write this time, unlike all of my previous attempts at writing a fanfic where my only motivation was myself, hence none of them being finished - it will probably be massive,  'cause a lot of stuff happens and a lot of serious topics will be involved in this fanfic. So buckle your seat-belts people, it's gonna be a long, emotional ride.

Now that the boring stuff is over and done with, let the mayhem begin! ;)

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